Originally Posted by Footlox View Post
It would be great if it could be setup that way.

How i imagined its like 1 server with 1 - 4 dojos spaced out equally. Say the first dojo ended quickly, the game would save the replay for those frames but the tori's and dojo would remain as they are while the other fights continued in the other dojos. An IRL example I've always used to show this is a BJJ tournament (see picture) where there are multiple ongoing matches in the same space.

The benefits to this are pretty obvious but I'll still spell them out:
1. Knock out tournaments would play faster and look awesome as the number of dojos would go from 4 for the beginning fights, then 2 dojos for semifinals, and 1 dojo for the finals.
2. Clan servers would allow friends to play and talk simultaneously without having to wait in long queues.
3. Realistically this could only be applied to official mods like aikido/abd/wushi etc that have dojos that dont take up a lot of space.

matarika - wheter you think this is or isn't possible let me know if you think this is a cool idea

NAGA Tournament

Hey Matrika were you able to share this idea with Hampa?
Last edited by footlox; Sep 12, 2019 at 09:01 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Leader of the Spyder House
Toribash Martial Artists
Release already, damn. It won’t even come out anyway lol
Last edited by iPrime; Sep 13, 2019 at 07:21 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Haha! Ur mad!
Originally Posted by iPrime View Post
Release already, damn. It won’t even come out anyway lol

yeah p much all these update videos are just photoshopped

nothing is getting worked on yeah

Tertywerty Moderated Message:
You are incredibly wrong.
Last edited by tertywerty; Sep 15, 2019 at 07:48 PM.
Although I think transferring items from tb to tbn is just stupid as it's a new game, here is an idea anyway.

Items swapped from tb to tbn can not be traded, it would only work if you had to chose at the start of the game what items you wanted to swap and then they were locked in on your tbn account.

Maybe a Max of 10 item swaps?
Originally Posted by Rouxster View Post
Our textures should definitely be able to be transferred to tb next.

Guess they'll keep almost all the texture formats or maybe more
Textures(items) and colours are universal and timeless items.
It would be good to be able to transfer them.
The rest can be leave in the old Toribash.

We will see what they will do with 3D items, personally I would prefer to keep them all in the old version.
Different items in both versions is something that will give both games more originality.
hurh hurh hurh *chews grass*
Personally i'd like to have the actual items in TBN 'cuz ¿why not?, TB has a lot of items and i guess that there would be a lot of work added to the ítem forgers if they have to make a lot of 3d items just to make happy the TB and TBN players at the same time
Originally Posted by William View Post
It can be items that are given to the two players equally, and they decide strategically how to use it and when. Just bear in mind that I'm talking about particular type of servers here, and nothing that I think should be applied to the competitive scene.

This seems like an great idea, idk if could be made. Actually "Shovel knight" has that ítem/slot system, maybe Hampa can use it as reference if decides to add it.

Originally Posted by Fyre View Post
I can imagine me using a power-up and appear behind my opponent then go "Omaua Mi Shenderiu" on them lmao... other than that I don't know what else might be effective and cool in battle.

Could be funny that "Omae wa mou shindeiru" situation xD, also, it could work as competitive items used in official servers, for example maybe a "+5 speed for x bodypart (arms or legs idk) item" in aikido could make a big difference between win or lose and gonna make some fights really interesting
Last edited by l0lix; Sep 18, 2019 at 06:01 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Anyway, Hampa did a great work already, with this game (Toribash).

We can trust him !
These days most of games are released to early and full of bugs, i don't want tbn to be like this the first month or what.

however, keep it up
Why would humans have arms when they do have legs?