I posted a toribash video on youtube yesterday.
And i forgot to edit it. Gtg
Last edited by swagpro; Jan 3, 2014 at 06:46 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
hi guys , i did sell my set for 15.5k.
i will tommorow do some duels and get some more tc.
then i will send somme to the clan bank.
don't know yet how much but i will.

note: i am new memmber at the clan but i see my self like an old one, i like the clan and hope it will be one of the best.
i will help and do my best for it, and i am really attached for this clan. And if it don't die, i think i will stay in it for ever.
thanks for reading

If I was able to have one wish, it would be to live closer to my one true love Fred, his beard tastes so nice.
He is also a far superior tk player.
Hi,I can enter in [Its]?
My Username is Superseba
My age is 11(lol)
My belt is 4th dan
And my favorite mod is Aikidobigdojo.tbm
you need to post an appliction, i give you the thread: http://forum.toribash.com/showthread...26#post7002426
but first read this:http://forum.toribash.com/showpost.p...36&postcount=1
and thanks

If I was able to have one wish, it would be to live closer to my one true love Fred, his beard tastes so nice.
He is also a far superior tk player.
Capital letters at the start of your sentences Emile . Good grammar will help you when this clan applies for official.
yea you are right, if he is really interrested to join he would read the clan thead before doing anything ...
anyways i don't think he can be accept, he just have 8 posts O.o
Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
Capital letters at the start of your sentences Emile . Good grammar will help you when this clan applies for official.

Yea thank you for remmembering me capital letters hehe XD.
Yea i, my ponctuation is not verry good in english, cuz i leave in lebanon, my real language is arabic and the second is friensh, i can speak this two language verry good.
I learn english just one houre in a week at school and i have just 12 years old soo... not verry good, but not verry bad too ;).And thanks
Last edited by Fire; Jan 3, 2014 at 08:10 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

If I was able to have one wish, it would be to live closer to my one true love Fred, his beard tastes so nice.
He is also a far superior tk player.
Originally Posted by scorpionma View Post
Wow emile
my primary language is also arabic
I am from Jordan
where u from?

Hey! I am from lebanon.
"Ya ahla w sahla"
Nice to meet you and nice to know that there are an arabic player im the same clan
Last edited by Fire; Jan 3, 2014 at 09:54 PM.

If I was able to have one wish, it would be to live closer to my one true love Fred, his beard tastes so nice.
He is also a far superior tk player.