Hey i have an idea on haow to get 50000 for going official....but first i need to know how much TC do we have in our bank.

-Secondly, i want to know how can we rank up in shadow??
Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere may be happy.
magicfire, its not easy to get 50k just like that... unless u do duels, or sell something really expensive, but allways haves to be a legal way.....and the way you got rank up is for activity and tb rank, i think.... we the leaders, decide that....
LOL, globlen is looking for girls, XD, just kidding, well, welcome to Shadow, hope you feel comfortable here...
Hey i have a idea on how to earn some money for our clan. Here it is....


Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere may be happy.