Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
Wouldnt it be 17/21? Sorry for your luck with the nasus I guess.

I'm looking at stats and it shows the last 20 games. Since I won one game and the 20th game was a defeat, it is now 17/20...Well, it was before that game with nasus, haha.
~Rainbow Belt|[Tint]|Rank 32~
~GameMaster|BISH|GameGrad|ORMO|ToriPrime L-Mod~


Toribash World Championship 2011 Runner Up

<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.

Started a new account plan on playing bots till lvl 30 to see how long it takes started 2 days ago currently lvl 7.(PS thats playing only a few games a day.)
Originally Posted by Toon View Post
Started a new account plan on playing bots till lvl 30 to see how long it takes started 2 days ago currently lvl 7.(PS thats playing only a few games a day.)

It takes too long. I used to play bots instead of normals when I started and I spent more than two months (600 coop wins right now). I don't recommend it.
>Playing as kayle in aram and winning fight
>Team mate Ez gets a quadra
>He's about to get a penta on annie
>I clicked on her before
>I click away to give the penta only to realize I'm lagging and can't
>Tfw he's attacking her and she goes to 14hp
>Tfw I hit her with my pissy little sword
>Tfw no penta for Ez
you know your mid is bad when this happens...


no idea how we won, lux just didnt understand how to stay back and hit shit from the back lines, also said she would carry hardballs....
also, promo's to get (back) into S3 here we go again ;~;
Originally Posted by Toon View Post
Yea but when I am lvl 30 I will be guaranteed a good ranking.

if you're having trouble in whatever league you're in and can't get out, making a new account isn't going to randomly throw you into a higher league and increase your skill level dramatically, you're going to get placed either above where you are and do poorly (unless you magically get better), get placed at the rank you're at right now, or get placed lower and have the same problems as your main account.. you can't simply solve all solo q problems by making a new account and expecting a super high rating. even then it wouldn't change much because you're still going to find idiots no matter what rating you're at. don't think you're stuck where you are because of your teammates, if you think like that then you will never climb
Those new graphics look fairly attractive, I have to admit. It will take the cartoony aspect out of league of legends. I hope they also update all of your heroes.
f=m*a syens