Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
My twitch isn't working on my phone D: if you could post a screenshot of the results.


this was on EUW btw.
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
my dick damn near fell off

gotta work out my back some more because that was fucking hard as shit to carry


the game itself was deserving of an epic to be told through the generations as a tale of courage and perseverance

yasuo went 0/9 in lane against fizz. vi went 6/0 throughout the laning phase. vlad got rekt by morde, and bot wasn't doing too hot either.

based warwick though

I singlehandedly carried every single teamfight

and at the very end, they had an open nexus with half hp and we had an open nexus. they killed everyone but me, and I waited in a brush for them to go to our base. backdoored the nexus and won us what was otherwise a completely lost game
Lol just finished playing one hell of a game where I went 48-11

one of the most fun games I've had so far.

Match history

\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Played j4 top against a panth, knew I had an unfavorable matchup. He gets two kills on me through his ignite, which is fine cause he doesn't take advantage of my death to farm, so I keep up in gold because I'm running tele v his ignite. Naturally, I get help from my mid and jungle to gank him, and he gets ganked the instant he enters lane 3 times and dies every time. Complains about getting ganked and says I should have been left alone to "learn my limits." Goober talk for "let me abuse a winning lane matchup". Doesn't realize he doomed himself when he got cocky and went full tilt to try to kill me all the time when I rushed randuin's to survive as bait.

We rofl stomp them because he built to win the lane whereas I built to scale for teamfights. I expected to lose my lane, but for mid and bot to win their matchups, so I just built to stay alive first and foremost so I could just be the perfect initiation for our mid tibbers. And boy did tibbers have fun that day.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
really wish riot would go back and look at how matchmaking is done for players under 30.
literally EVERY game i play looks like


and its not that ive been losing these matches since as of right now im still 1/1 but if thats what matchmaking is for "better" lower level players then this is a terribly skewed way to do it
i'm on tilt when EVERY game me and my partner play we get stuck with the cast of space jam with their ankles tied to their foreheads when the other team literally has over 1000 more games under their belts. i wouldnt have a single problem with being beaten by a team of equal level/skill because that just means that i'm doing something wrong and i need to improve. but when shit is blatantly unfair (think godzilla vs bambi in a wrestling match) and doesnt really seem to want to change anything about it, it puzzles me why riot is totally cool with having everything about level 25+ normals an absolute cesspool of trashy matchmaking

tl;dr i'm level 27 and i just went through 5 games against silver players, did perfectly fine only to lose because the rest of my team sucks massive gorilla dick and im upset as fuck about it

Last edited by Isolations; Jul 4, 2014 at 01:34 PM.
Everybody has that at some point. Usually it means those silvers are trash who have terrible normal elo. Sometimes it means you just have a high enough win rate that they need to match you over your head to bring your win rate down.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I know your pain bro. I play mainly with Hax so I get matched with silvers and what not all the time. And I'm only level 20.
Oh man I love Veigar. At level 5 it just becomes hilarious to time your E with the last minion needed to level, instant assign to r, wrq, get kill. I made ahri my bitch in lane. She lands e, dashes in, e wears off cause it's level 1, now it's MY turn bitch. R Q oneshot, or R Q, bait out second dash from overwhelming damage, E to W.

Unfortunately we couldn't capitalize on it because I couldn't blow up ez from all the cleanses and heals, and Ahri learned to wait outside the teamfight and poke in until I was forced to ult somebody else.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games