ok you might not know what im talking about but like a full body dq hands, feet ect. and the only thing keeping you from dqing is like how do i say this sticks and logs stiking out of the ground in an awkward fashion not straite up like radom and so you have to keep balance while tring to knock oponiet off
Originally Posted by Jago View Post
By chance if I were to post my mods here will someone plz put joints in. I'm hopeless. If not can someone make a scooter mod WITH ramps.

post them in the mod help thread, in the mod team board.

Originally Posted by Sturdee View Post
Lol, here's my idea, I reckon it's probably a big one. Star Wars!
I know there are lightsaber mods, but there not...very much like Star Wars, or even weapons. They are hands. Is it possible to make each guy hold a lightsaber?(like katana) And if you want me to go into full detail, the lightsaber's blades should be able to disappear, be different colours(e.g. green and red) and the hilts should look grey/metallic with a button of some kind. And while your at this insane request, is it possible to make the players look like they have sleeves and boots or something, a costume?
Oh, and I would bribe you, give you all my Tc for this mod, but er... I think I have about 50 Tc left.
Thanks, even if you don't make it. I like dreaming, even if it doesn't come true.
Actually, I could make you a head texture if you wanted.

I made the 4 light saber mods before environment came out for toribash, so i could make a newer, more detailed version, but It isn't possible to make it turn off and on, I'm not to sure what the limits of lua are but it might be able to make it change color or "look" like it turned off.

Originally Posted by lolcoww View Post
Grabby hands, AND grabby feet.... so you could grab 2 things at once.... cool right?

been asked before, still impossible.
With all the slamming going on why not make a good wrestling mod.... or , if at all possible, make the mod have the option of tag team because this waiting in line thing is a bugger hehe so theres my suggestion see you guys in game
You know, there is only 1 vs. 1 at the time, wolf.

You know what I want, poptart. If you don't remember:

"We're no strangers to love"

Tori is actually riding on a horse that moves quite like the toridog enviroment object. Tori also has a long spear in which he can stab uke after riding a long distance.

I calculated 14 environment objects for this mod.

1. head of horse
2.neck of horse
3.body of horse
4.left front leg
5.right front leg
6.back left leg
7.back right leg
8.front left foot (spinning forward to move the horse)
9.front right foot (spinning forward to move the horse)
10.back left foot (spinning forward to move the horse)
11.back right foot (spinning forward to move the horse)
12. Javalin handle (for holding)
13. Javalin head (instagib for stabbing uke)
14. Podium for uke to stand on ready to be squered.

You would also need to mod tori to a better starting position on the horse.
Good Luck!
Last edited by IceShadow; Nov 27, 2008 at 12:26 AM.

it will be cool recruit chuji to do this mod I think on that other day but not on horses, on dragons I can help someone else to do this mod I really want
Originally Posted by IceShadow View Post

Tori is actually riding on a horse that moves quite like the toridog enviroment object. Tori also has a long spear in which he can stab uke after riding a long distance.

I calculated 14 environment objects for this mod.

1. head of horse
2.neck of horse
3.body of horse
4.left front leg
5.right front leg
6.back left leg
7.back right leg
8.front left foot (spinning forward to move the horse)
9.front right foot (spinning forward to move the horse)
10.back left foot (spinning forward to move the horse)
11.back right foot (spinning forward to move the horse)
12. Javalin handle (for holding)
13. Javalin head (instagib for stabbing uke)
14. Podium for uke to stand on ready to be squered.

You would also need to mod tori to a better starting position on the horse.
Good Luck!

I'm soooo on it , but give me some time. I was actually thinking about doing something like this.