Happy New Years! Even though it's 2016 tomorrow for me.
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[M] New Years.rpl (203.3 KB, 26 views)
invite me to your clan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Holy jesus tit nuggets that boom was fantastic and your movement is fabulous. Loved it.
<tunadao> And if the potato get old it will be better,because noones can eat a old potato it turns into legendary potato
really enjoyed opener and damn sick boom hit
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
dude nice damn opener that was sick but your elbow was bending too much
dope transition
pec dm was meh but i know that it was just for the grab
awesome core
and bitch slap boom was cool
you probably could've done a hook kick and done a little bit of lower body
and the pose is the exact same as i was at 8:00 last night
i no joke fell asleep at 8:15
it was sad
great replay doe 9/10
i have already cnc'ed in oshi,but there is for bumping.
but that replay got good.
the first kick was just awesome.
slap and last hit was great.
but,as i said before,the opener is nice,but much long.
and if you manipulated youself to make impulse to him with much more speed wold looks really better.
the end of replay was possible a better pose,and the legs you wold break too.
anyway its a cool replay.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
first off I hope the generic part was sarcasm

you got some really funky movement going which is really naas

pacing is alright

solid perfect 5/7

real talk 9.6/10
No booms in the replay? Who are you, and what have you done with ray?

But for real though, I enjoyed a different style this replay had.
Your movement is neat.
Those two kicks were a bit bland, but still, I liked them.

ORMO|Replays n' stuff|RIP Monk
nice thing there.
moves hits and everything is verry well done.
the problem as all your other replays is your moves are pretty slow.try to make them faster.
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
dude i can see you improve through every replay you post here

love the opener. nice and spiny
the 360 pec dm was amazing
the transition was good but after 340 you stayed in that position for way to long
the boom was cool. again you stayed in that position for too long
i don't know why but i loved that chest dm
nice pose. 9/10 you are getting better by the hour