Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
1500 games... I finally get it..

P.S. This isn't my normal xin zhao build, I was just getting fed and screwing around, so I decided to go glass cannon. I normally build him tanky.
P.P.S. I was using my caster runepage.

All the pros build wriggles, ghostblade, divine, and randuins. 4 actives is sexy, and ghostblade + divine active make your dps burst cray cray
I scored an ace too, although I forgot how many kills was that. Congrats for that though
TP|Guardians| Hai. Watz upz.
Originally Posted by Megadoomer View Post
All the pros build wriggles, ghostblade, divine, and randuins. 4 actives is sexy, and ghostblade + divine active make your dps burst cray cray

I said I was screwing around cause I was getting insanely fed

However it's mostly ghostblade -or- divine, rarely both.

@ above: Pentakill =/= Ace.
Ace = delivering the killing blow on the last person left alive on the enemy team (so all 5 of the enemies are dead, and you killed the last one)
Pentakill = Delivering the killing blow on all 5 people, in my case I basically soloed the enemy team, rammus taunted the soraka (the last person I killed) at the end.

Also it's like 3 actives, Not like you use wriggles in a fight, unless you're trying to stop a blitz hook/rammus roll (which is hilarious to do btw)
Last edited by 2worlds; Apr 5, 2011 at 04:57 AM.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
1500 games... I finally get it..

P.S. This isn't my normal xin zhao build, I was just getting fed and screwing around, so I decided to go glass cannon. I normally build him tanky.
P.P.S. I was using my caster runepage.

Also if you noticed the level difference, it's because my team asked me to go mid (kennen wanted to lane with her BF or some stupid crap like that)

That build is ridiculous :S
Guys, just saying.
If people start complaining that tryndamere is overpowered and doesn't need no skill at all, just to say you're a noob with winning ~10/0/2, then you're playing him correctly.
Tryndamere does need a lot of skill, for all the trolls ingame that get owned by Tryndamere.
Like, that char is not just crit crit crit and kill everybody. Tryndamere is very squishy, and you got to know when to use your ult and where to go if you are too slow.
Just saying. :O
"Philosophy of mankind are pink dreams of a blue planet" ~Lexx
• มวยไทย •
Originally Posted by fat0ninja View Post
That build is ridiculous :S

T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
I wouldn't say he's hard, none of the champions are, he's just in the category of being an "easy" champion to play compared to some of the other harder champions that involve a lot of skill shots like blitzcrank (he's not that hard though) and ezreal. Saying that, he IS one of the more auto attack-ish champions and doesn't need kills and can even roll the entire enemy team when he's going 0-10 about 5 minutes in, it all depends on the farm and last hits you get. More or less, he's an easy champion and I played a game as him yesterday and carried a 3v5 with about 19 kills after not having played him in a few months.
Originally Posted by Shaogorath View Post
Could anyone suggest a good Nocturne build?

Depending on the team, this can vary. I normally play him as a tank buster, using a lot of armor pen and bloodrazor to do my damage.

If I'm the only jungler in the game or if my team gets wards, I'll get a madred's bloodrazor over wriggles lantern. If not, wriggles.

Now, depending on whether I get razor or wriggles, this changes what I'll get next. Wriggles will normally get brutalizer, as it's cheap, it gives me some nice cd reduction, and armor pen. Plus some damage to boot. Bloodrazor will get a vampiric scepter to work towards a stark's fervor, though a brutalizer can be built after I get the scepter if I'm not doing so hot and need a good boost.

After that, guardian angel. Normally I should be doing more than enough damage at this point, so I could do with some survivability outside of lifesteal. Also a second chance at raping the enemy team is too good to pass up. If you do need an extra damage boost, put in a last whisper here instead of later in the game. I'm testing out how sword of the divine would work instead, but until then last whisper should be a good supplement.

Finish up the ghostblade when you can, build more survivability like veil or qss (armor is usually covered by the ga) if you need to, if not, black cleaver and last whisper supplement the armor pen mentality fairly well.

This is slightly glass cannon, but I've had good results with it so far.
Last edited by Oracle; Apr 6, 2011 at 12:07 AM.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
My teams have been messing me up.
They can't back me up, nor can they gank or support.

I've been having crappy games from that. :/
TP|Guardians| Hai. Watz upz.