Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Hoohoooo, I like those 8-bit sounds! Good job making the game so far.

And your stock replay that you had for ages ago was neat when I started to play toribash (Just a random reminder) (:
Necrobumping Elite Master - ps dont tell Fred
jag såg de där https://gyazo.com/2bb5d1c33d72abf6549b5558c54c9fa8
I remember digging through this forum to find the first couple videos of you playing your game. It surely has come a long way brother.

Art style still makes me smile every time I see it!

Thanks dude, glad to hear! c:

Originally Posted by Miracle11 View Post
Hoohoooo, I like those 8-bit sounds! Good job making the game so far.

And your stock replay that you had for ages ago was neat when I started to play toribash (Just a random reminder) (:


I'm actually just using bfxr for the sound effects, it's a pretty neat tool. Music's by basheman, he's a cool guy. :v

Originally Posted by fallu View Post
hey bro where the hec are u now that irc's dead and no one uses ormo discord
also where can i get up-to-date amngery laser space

At the moment it's not possible to get the in-house version of Angery Lays Space (as usual you can get the older public version here), but i'm hoping to be done next month so i don't have to look at that abomination of a source code any more, and so you guys aren't stuck with the mess that is v0.9. Also, i usually hang out in the [T] irc (... sometimes), but i'm also on both dicksword channels. I just can't be arsed to be the only one keeping up activity, though. :v

Originally Posted by Blam View Post
Ahh your effects are so satisfying, especially those stompy things in your helicopter/flappy bird game.

Can't wait to play the released versions

Aaa sweet, glad to hear! I'm just annoyed that i died the most boring way in that gameplay video, it looks way cooler when you get smashed or shot. I worked way too long on those damned feather pseudo-physics. :V
Actually, y'know what, here's the current (unfinished) version if you want to play around with it for a bit. It doesn't exactly lend itself to dozens of hours of gameplay, but that's not the intention either.

also bonus goose


<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Dude I swear to god angry laser space would sell good on steam, I'd feel guilty if I didn't have to pay money for it. Please look into releasing it there.
|Opener by Xioi|#KillTheScootCork|
"Cool delfin med solglajjor" -Larfen
Oh i have, and i appreciate the confidence on my behalf. ;o
Problem is, to get something on Greenlight (which i would need for this), i'd have to pay an initial fee of 100 dorrers, which puts me at an even bigger loss than i already am at (i consider it a worthy expenditure). Secondary problem is that i've used some external resources that i'm not sure can be commercialized, and frankly i have no fucking idea how i'd go about getting the proper licensing, if any, so the easiest solution is to just use the game to get exposure.

Tertiary problem... I've said it would be free, and i'm not keen on breaking my word. Not gonna lie though, i could use the cash, but that's why i'm developing Murder of Crows for mobile platforms. Maybe the android store can get me a bit o' dosh. :v

Honestly though, i don't mind spending my time on games that are to be free, i'm doing it for my own entertainment too. Wouldn't complain if i could get money on top of that, but it's not my goal with making games (or art, for that matter). If only one could survive off of good feels... :V
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
yes hello sorry i forget to post things here

receive things


<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
can i just say how much i love the title you gave the spoiler?
cause i really fucking love it

also still love your drawings
the goblin
Hee, well you can blame Game Grumps for that. Also thanks. :v

also also more draws

eat pant

<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
licorice is fucking amazing

I'm thankful for all the people who don't like it, because that means there's more for me. :V

also i had a dumb idea thanks to someone else

the great mystery

Super sketchy because i've already drawn a lot today (ES things, so i can't show) and am feeling lazy. However, i have a bonus thing from yesterday, which is an 8 year old drawing and a remake of the depicted character.

because why not

Worth noting is that i spent a whole lot less effort on the remake. :V
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol