Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Why would you split push when you're a support/AP mid?
Why would you split push in soloq where you're playing with complete strangers who play the way they want, not the way you or the team in all wants?
Why would you expect your soloq team to do anything you want them to do anyway?

No matter how bad your team did, the only thing you can do is to check what you could've done better. No point in blaming others when the only thing you have the power to improve is your own gameplay. Fix whatever you did wrong, and trust me, we all make mistakes no matter how much we think we're doing amazing. Fix these mistakes, don't fix others' cause you won't be able to.
Last edited by EJM; Sep 6, 2014 at 11:59 AM.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Not blaming anyone, I just pretty much can't do everything on my own. Improving on my mistakes doesn't mean anything for people I'll never play with again. But as I said, shits getting better, I actually won 2/3 games today, which is pretty nice.

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13/15 ranked games won so far this week, in promotion for Gold 5 finally.
And I managed to redeem Rito Kayle and Arcade Missfortune from reused codes.
See, it's not like everybody in the supposed "elo hell" loses. One team has to win, and it's not hard to reason out why.

I've expressed this multiple times, but if you're better than your actual elo and trying to win then you should win more games over time than somebody who deserves their actual elo. Simple observation shows that, if you're better than your matchmaking thinks, your team has only 4 slots for toxic or really bad players, while your opponents' have 5 slots for aforementioned players. So statistically speaking, your team should always have a better selection of players for the majority of the time, which translates to more wins over time.

Or you can just learn to carry hard as master yi, trynd, or yasuo and just force pushes through overwhelming 1v5 crit champ master race yolo queue mentality. Because that shit works in low elo, assuming you know how to last hit.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
About.....93% of the teams I've been on had about 1 or 2 toxic players, it's so weird because the opposing team (from what I see and read, don't know how their team chat is) don't have anyone like that. Makes me think my irl bad luck is following into my gaming life or something. Or People just really hate losing. Might be the latter as I've seen a few times, someone on the opposing team gets a bit hostile.

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Pretty much 100% of the time both teams argue within themselves. The problem is when people don't check their egos at the door when they play and go on tilt before the game is truly lost.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I wouldn't say 100% as I've had a few teams in which pretty much everything went smooth as shit. No arguing over roles or bans or anything. I was brand on urf by the mentality of everyone......

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.
this one time we had a top teemo that fed to shit. I was dying a lot (about 2-3 deaths less that the teemo) due to playing both a champion and a lane I know nothing of (Gnar bot). I was just too heavy for annie to carry
Life's not a waste of time and time's not a waste of life so let's stop wasting time, get wasted and have the time of our lives - Mr Worldwide 3:18
Originally Posted by MegaCash View Post
I wouldn't say 100% as I've had a few teams in which pretty much everything went smooth as shit. No arguing over roles or bans or anything. I was brand on urf by the mentality of everyone......

It's hyperbole. My point is that in even games, if your team is arguing, the enemy team is often arguing as well.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games