Original Post
High Quality Heads!
After much demand, 512 x 512 and 256 x 256 are finally released!
You can now upload heads made at a much higher quality, and previews in the market can be 128 x 128, 256 x 256, or 512 x 512!
They are available in the torishop at 20,000 and 50,000 tc, respectively.

Make sure you only have one head texture activated at the same time.

Have fun!

128 vs 512 (thx Rott)
Last edited by veb; Jan 11, 2010 at 05:42 AM.
Originally Posted by totos99 View Post
hey hampa can you tell me your e-mail?

If you've got a general question, email [email protected] or post on the Support board. In all likelihood, you don't need to go to the very top of the hierarchy to answer your question. If you've got an idea or recommendation, there's a Suggestions board for your consideration.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
Gorman, you know as well as I do that it's all marketing.

Increased resolution could be used to make heads that are awesome, or heads that are even worse. But overall, we're hoping that high-res capabilities will increase the average quality of heads, and will thus advertise the items that way. :P

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition