Originally Posted by SkoQ View Post
aqua right hand trail 270 TC ? If yes ----> Aqua Torso 300 TC ?

Can you do 700 for both?

Originally Posted by OlzuX View Post
radioactive blood + groin text +copper torso for 1,8k+sphinx force+copper primary gradient?

No thanks, can you offer more?

Originally Posted by BORO1 View Post
1k+1 mag trail nova DQ

Offer accepted. Sent item

Originally Posted by happybullet View Post
acid torso 500 tcs+ something on my deactive.

There's not much in your deactive, could you possibly add more tc?
Originally Posted by venuuk View Post
all force/relax
60k and deal? ;3

LOL Just quicksilver force I could get 60k for.

Offer WAY higher.

EDIT: 160k would be a better offer.
qs force max - 20k
imp force - 20k
all force/lax without imp + qs
20k max
last offer 65k
Look on the forums, people sell Qs force for 45k all the time and thats on the low end actually.

And Imp is also about as much as Qs, making it 90k for just the 2 items on the LOW end.

Nice try though, gotta admire the effort.