Spartan, why is the DM render not in the queue
Originally Posted by KOWLA View Post
Spartan, why is the DM render not in the queue

Oops, fixed.

Also, wip on BillyRuben's Avvy/sig

<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
Request for: Spartan094
Requesting: GUI
Price Range: 5k
Details: Colour : demolition , i want my tori in it like nino have but in sleep pose, make it robotish background

Shape:Still square
Text:Toribash = Fachrybash , Sleeping perfected
hayz : Fachry is kewl and i like him(in a non-gay way)
Originally Posted by Fachry View Post
Request for: Spartan094
Requesting: GUI
Price Range: 5k
Details: Colour : demolition , i want my tori in it like nino have but in sleep pose, make it robotish background

Shape:Still square
Text:Toribash = Fachrybash , Sleeping perfected

Added, do you want your tori sleeping on the bottom rather than on the side?
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
i want it on bottom

other detail : you make it for me ok ?
since im out of idea
hayz : Fachry is kewl and i like him(in a non-gay way)
spartan, Please add me on skype so we can chat about the pic
Originally Posted by Fachry View Post
i want it on bottom

other detail : you make it for me ok ?
since im out of idea

That's good, thanks.

Originally Posted by KOWLA View Post
spartan, Please add me on skype so we can chat about the pic

Added, but I don't have time to chat tonight, gonna hit the hay as we speak.
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
How much for a rush job?
Originally Posted by vindeper View Post
Jebus said they'll be finished by the weekend so thats like tommorrow, grow some patience.

Actually, I said "I'd have something" meaning some WIPs.

Originally Posted by Spartan094 View Post
Well Nino, this is what

I had done

Damn that is priceless folks. He even has yours truly in the background.

Originally Posted by KOWLA View Post
How much for a rush job?

lol, rush job. But I'm guessing he wont want to do a "rush job". Only quality work from this shop (except for AgentPs avis...)

Anyways, as previously stated, I'll have wips for everyone tomorrow. Once I got some comments on that it won't take very long to get them all done.
You'll have to excuse me, I'm not at my best. I've been gone for a month, I've been drunk since I left.
um how long do you think it will take for my GUI to be finished?, please try and finish it before next week
♥ mushu♥