Then You have to go into mod maker, move them. Upload your edited version of the mod in the mods area of the forum between clans and replays. Then do the replay and post the new mod here so I can download it with your replay
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
Here's my replay. i couldn't find the mod maker so i stuck with where it was and went from there. I'm also going to update my characters backstory whenever i get the chance to. Hope the replay is good ^w^

Your Characters Name: Zolvic

Your Characters Age (17-90): 23

Your Characters Gender (Male/Female): Male

Your Characters Fighting Style
(Real Martial art or General Sparring): Mixed Martial Arts / Sparring

Your Characters Backstory: Zolvic's past was a tragic one, being that his village of which he lived in was burnt to the ground by a group of demons. growing up around that time was hard, as there was not many to trust, or to find at that matter. ever since the incident with his village, he strives to understand the way of martial arts, being that he will need it when the time came. When he was almost completely lost of hope, an old warrior walked in his path, and heard of his story. The old warrior granted his wish of learning the martial arts in attempt to strike down the demons. For years he trained, until one day, his master never showed up, and was later found next to the temple of which he trained in, stabbed multiple times, and beaten to death. Zolvic only knew one enemy who could do such a thing, the demons. His outrage of losing his teacher brought him to walk the earth in search of ending the demons, as he was like a father to him. However, he still wasn't ready to fight them, not with the skills he has. Back then, it took years for him to face the task of becoming a true ninja, and a worthy opponent. As time goes by, he meets many ninjas through his journey to become one with the ninjas, never being able to complete the task. It took him years to understand the ways of training like a ninja, and continues to use what he has been taught for the greater good. As of now, he seeks vengeance for his master and his family who was killed in battle over the demons. In time, he will train, and venture his way of becoming one of the ninjas. For what he has now, it's only a matter of time before he can become the ninja that he has always dreamed of being, and to be able to fight the demons, and end them once and for all.

Your Characters personality: Loyal, Noble, Determined, Mostly quiet, but will speak up for his friends and team

Will your character be a regular?:
(Will you be active enough to keep replays
coming in when needed?) As far as i know, i'll be active at the most 3 times a week, and lucky enough to be active on full weeks

What is the easiest way to reach you?
(PM, Skype, Email, Discord?) PM or Skype is the best ways to reach me (Skype Name: shadow0240)
Attached Files
Last edited by Zolvic; May 11, 2017 at 10:56 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
1st rpl

Edit: if u downloaded the other replay, don't use it, i sent the wrong one.
Attached Files
Victor- Sixth Sense.rpl (994.7 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by Victor4554; May 14, 2017 at 03:09 AM.
RSO Teacher