Originally Posted by RevengR View Post


I'm in the middle. If anyone is interrested

"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Originally Posted by tricerafi View Post

Last edited by RevengR; May 22, 2012 at 11:26 PM.
Swedish Viking
Originally Posted by Dilara View Post
Oh god, everytime I see earrings like that, RevengR, I think their ears are going to rip. *_*

Everytime I see earrings like that I die a little and wonder why would anyone ever want to do that to themselves.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Originally Posted by RevengR View Post


I'm in the middle. If anyone is interrested

Why the hell would you do that to your ears!?
It's just sick bro :x
Life is not fair, but life is not fair for everyone... which actually makes it fair.
Originally Posted by RevengR View Post


I'm in the middle. If anyone is interrested

I wish I was friends with The Flash.

Graduating last year

I must be honest, I am living with 2 fucking physcopathic 17/18 year old girls, and I broke my camera, and my old laptop is fucked...

no photos for a few.. one of em just HAD to step on my laptop
Originally Posted by OptiuMaX View Post
I must be honest, I am living with 2 fucking physcopathic 17/18 year old girls, and I broke my camera, and my old laptop is fucked...

no photos for a few.. one of em just HAD to step on my laptop

hmmm you shure they did that on accident? ;)
i meditate for the peace not for the resin that I'm bored to death.......;)