Originally Posted by romn4 View Post
jarven and rengar relay to much on early ganks so if they just have top and mid lane plays passive you will pretty much become useless. but i like kaz in the new jung.

incorrect, jarvan is a decent jungler right now even if he doesn't get kills early game(because his kit is strong, always was)
Originally Posted by Picasa View Post
Well, he's early game is ass. The only way I could level up is invade their wolfs till level 5 xdd

yep, kha zix is straight up bad right now, should avoid playing him imo.
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Originally Posted by EJM View Post
Why do we love each other so much?

idk probably because you helped get me fired from gm LOL
Anyways my god that ori skin looks soooooo good


And the legend continues, still have yet to lose a game as Morgana mid. I did lose a Morgana game as support though.

Made team surrender at 24 mins when it was a 4v5 the whole game.


deh proof

6/6 as morgana mid
Last edited by DruggedPanda; Dec 6, 2014 at 03:39 PM.
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Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
idk probably because you helped get me fired from gm LOL
Anyways my god that ori skin looks soooooo good

What? I did? Boy I must've been amazing at it cause I don't even know I did anything.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.


I fed all game but the russians carried us to late and I got a few items. Then this happened.
I got the last kill by faking a tp on the ward to the left, making kha walk back into me. I was laughing my ass off.

Also Eripas is my pimp
Nerf Russians next patch russians op
Also, is Elise good for jungling in this era?
Virus: Son | ImVeryBlue: Husband | Creati0n: Wife
Originally Posted by ImVeryBlue View Post
Also, is Elise good for jungling in this era?

Shes pretty decent, not god tier like ww or panth, but shes one of the few champs that benefited from the new patch since she has the durabilty to survive longer in the new jungle.
Despite all the nerfs she got her early game damage (level 3) is one of the highest in the game so you can always play around that in 2v2s or 1v1s.

Ap jungle item + sorc boots makes her deal a surprising amount of damage in the mid game.