Riven requires some skill to spell weave and the what not, alongside positioning and timing because of her relative squish without her e up.

That being said, she has a pretty high return on effort. Because everything scales with AD, she experiences large spikes in power for small increases in competency.

Also, new cassio is hella great. Guaranteed 100 stacks of passive at 10 minutes by natural stacking, probably closer to 200 by 10 since it's so easy to land that q. Easy 500 by 25 minutes no problems. And her E feels so smooth to use now, it's just wonderful.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
So uh I had a really weird Ranked game just now..

>goes mid lane vs Gnar (as Azir)
>harasses hard with soldiers
>destroys outer tower within 12min
>fast pushes inhib at 14min
>wins game by 23min
>Gnar says he won his lane in end game screen

u wot m9?
Pretty much what Ryan said.

Most of the people think that Riven is about mashing all the buttons you can find and winning the lane. Good luck with that, I've played over 300-400 games with her in total and I still have yet to completely master her. She's one of those champs that has not limitation for improvement. Also, this tanky bruisers meta is really not helping her either.

Even when you become good with her at laning, team-fights is just a pain in the ass.
~Rainbow Belt|[Tint]|Rank 32~
~GameMaster|BISH|GameGrad|ORMO|ToriPrime L-Mod~


Toribash World Championship 2011 Runner Up

<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.

Originally Posted by Holotor View Post
So uh I had a really weird Ranked game just now..

>goes mid lane vs Gnar (as Azir)
>harasses hard with soldiers
>destroys outer tower within 12min
>fast pushes inhib at 14min
>wins game by 23min
>Gnar says he won his lane in end game screen

u wot m9?

That's weird for you? Happens all the time in PH server. :P
Ryan will be remembered.
It happens a couple of times but our team literally just shat all over them lol.

Also Kristis I agree, check out some of Faker's plays with Riven. He is an unkillable demon king hahahaha
Originally Posted by leilak View Post

Fucker just mashed all the buttons look i can do that

cuz he's faker
faker is love, faker is life

also haven't seen a kalista support on my server
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