I totally didnt play smite today instead of league. totally

Was wondering how it would be to play again now that I've spent so much time in league. I got the two around the same time, played one game of each and got bored of both. Came back to only league.

In short, I rekt the little nubs. But I also kept hitting R instead of 4.


Was playing some promos, went 10/2 at the start. Unfortunately we had Riven on our team. And I'm not talking about her horrendous score of 0/8/2 at the most vital point of the game. But her decision to run away and stop the Yi taking one of the bot towers when the entire team had committed and discussed a plan of going mid and it was working. Til she left. Man I can get stressed playing this game :P
Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
Guys, Curse Voiice or Raid Call?

Razer comms is really good too. Just sayin.
I need W7 SP1 and it gets stuck while updating so I can't even install Razer Comms although I REALLY want to use it.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post


Was playing some promos, went 10/2 at the start. Unfortunately we had Riven on our team. And I'm not talking about her horrendous score of 0/8/2 at the most vital point of the game. But her decision to run away and stop the Yi taking one of the bot towers when the entire team had committed and discussed a plan of going mid and it was working. Til she left. Man I can get stressed playing this game :P

The problem here is, you're taking LoL matches to be made up of 5 different games within 1 (1 for each player in your team). You control the game, or at least you're given the chance to. If you see top lane suffering hard (eg. Riven is behind by 3 kills and is getting zoned hard out of cs), then what you have to do is change how you take the rest of the match. Communicate with your team and group up at top lane, push it as much as you can and then do the same to each lane. You win games by getting objectives, not kills.

Oh and if you see Yi split pushing, don't send the most malnourished player on your team on a suicide mission vs one of their carries..

Don't forget that you're allowed to switch lanes with players once started. As Riven is a AD champ and Malphite counters her with armour, ask your AP mid laner to switch. It would force Mal to buy MR which is good for your team since your carries are AD mostly.

That's just what I'd do in that situation.


Oh I understand what you're saying, you might've misunderstood a little bit.
I tried to guide my team and drop suggestions on what we should do, ping things, have awareness for them and stuff like that.
But as players are individuals they make their own choices, we told Riven not to go down and stop Yi, even pinged her to back off and help us (as we would've won the base race) but alas. Not everybody is on the same page in a game and some players that have been kicked to the curb the entire game don't always have a mind see these opportunities.

The lane swap is something I hadn't thought of though, I'll keep that in mind for my matches later on today.

First Game: Played with people who accused me of feeding when I only died once. Lost.
Second Game: Played with a jungler who didn't gank my lane because "I was bad." Logic? Lost.
Third Game: Actually played with fantastic people and won the game. Won.
Fourth Game:

Gotta love the NA Community
RedPanda won't fuck his dog
Hello , (An another wild player of League appears)

Was actually doing some classic 5v5 , Worst game and harder game ever i do..
Our TF was ragin' cuz i take the mid first so he try to feed enemy team , so i moved to bot (Yi is not a botlaner , he's a toplaner/midlaner -_(ù_ù)_-
Our shen just DC at level 9, the Sona of our team was first time , the teemo look like too (just don't know how to place the mushrooms , don't know how to ambush)
So i was the only decent player in my team for a 3v5 , but for me that was looking more like a 1v5...
The only thing is that i was quadra the other team (Riven , Lux , Tristana , Ashe , Soraka)
I always don't get the kill of riven , but in the really late game , riven was one shoting me and my teammate.
I just kill the drake 2x Time , and do all the work...
think i can win but i finally can't cuz of riven. if riven was AFK or just DC we actually won this game...

Here's my score (Sorry my game is in french because i'm french :x )

Aniway , bronze is like hell , too much troll/afk/feeder player , can't do good game , Only the korean bronze is safe :x

Also , the new jungle is like hell for me , i just gonna wait a bit with this new jungle , i tried one time to go jung with my main and actually i get killed by the monster in the jung. Shame on me shame on me.
Last edited by HawkeyeTFA; Jan 24, 2015 at 06:29 PM.
French Player, Old member of OFRO