Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Have fun before you try to get good. Think of levels 1-20 as something like childhood, a time for lollygagging and being a derp and learning everything you do learn accidentally.

Then you reach level 20-30, which is basically high school. You start setting up future success by buying runes, actually learning important stuff, and getting anxious for the subsequent ranked you will be doing eventually.

Then you reach level 30, which is like going to college. You learn more things than you ever have among people who seem to be the best people ever, and you finish up your rune pages to be a respectable ranked player who can fill any role.

And then you play ranked, which is like entering the real world. You realize everyone you met in college is fucking retarded and you've learned nothing of importance in your past 25 years, and now your shotcaller shithead of a top laner has went 0/9/0 and is blaming you for not camping their lane. All your hard work is for nothing, you got 1/9 in your placements and you're now stuck in a deadend league with no hope for promotion.

Welcome to the League of Legends.

Its sad how true this is. Its even more sad that I put up with it even though I know this.

But damn it Im not doing to give up until I'm at least silver.
What do you even do when one of your favorite LCS teams goes against players in your Fantasy League?

"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Oracle you might've made me chuckle a bit too hard there.

The new Tristana E W workings are a pretty decent replacement, means I have to do more than just tag them with my E if I want decent harass but I can go in for some extra damage/kill if I decide to use W offensively.
Might keep playing this until I can get a better feel for her damage
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Have fun before you try to get good. Think of levels 1-20 as something like childhood, a time for lollygagging and being a derp and learning everything you do learn accidentally.

Then you reach level 20-30, which is basically high school. You start setting up future success by buying runes, actually learning important stuff, and getting anxious for the subsequent ranked you will be doing eventually.

Then you reach level 30, which is like going to college. You learn more things than you ever have among people who seem to be the best people ever, and you finish up your rune pages to be a respectable ranked player who can fill any role.

And then you play ranked, which is like entering the real world. You realize everyone you met in college is fucking retarded and you've learned nothing of importance in your past 25 years, and now your shotcaller shithead of a top laner has went 0/9/0 and is blaming you for not camping their lane. All your hard work is for nothing, you got 1/9 in your placements and you're now stuck in a deadend league with no hope for promotion.

Welcome to the League of Legends.

You forgot to mention the people who actually just enjoy life for the sake of living, who are often the most successful. I love league and ranked just for the competitiveness of it all. It's frustrating at times, but life is too. If you don't enjoy the game, stop playing.
Can I join the league Train?
Anyway, how did your provisionals went?
I had a slight improvement. 7-3


And I don't understand why people use the game as a tool for cyberbullying, had a couple of games with those guys, but I just ignore them anyway.
Don't send me PM's, I don't read them.
So, I've played more ranked game in these past few days than i did in all of S3 and S4 combined, and I've gotta say its going like a seesaw for me. I was in silver in s3 and s4 and now I've been placed in B5. One game i could get a position that i can carry in, we win, then the next, I end up last pick support and get my adc ahead as possible but I still can't properly carry since i usually leona support, and people just don't follow up on my engages....makes me sad tree. It's cool tho, I'm having fun with THE CLIMB

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.
But the worst situation is when you team lacks something like a tank and you have to fill that role. I just can't see an Alistar jg carrying anybody. Maokai maybe.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Yeah you're gonna find idiots all over the place in anything. It's inevitable. My tactic has become just playing it cool and doing whats best for the team in any scenario... not jumping on the idiots who may or may not be bringing the team down by talking smack or generally sucking.