Original Post
Clan League 2023

As we reach the summer months, the days get longer and the sun stays out. It’s time for you to take after the sun, and stay out… practicing for Clan League!

With two times the amount of clans in this Clan League compared to the previous one, will Alpha get dethroned? Or will they continue to dominate another Clan League bracket like it's nothing?

• Failure to complete matches will result in disqualification in both clans unless proof is provided that one of the clans are making an effort to complete matches
• Replays for every single match must be saved and uploaded to this thread.
• Account sharing or playing for multiple clans is strictly prohibited. Users caught doing this will get banned, clans caught doing this will get banned from CL.
• It is recommended for a clan to pick only one representative to communicate on their behalf, it can be the leader or someone else.

Clan League 2023 will be straight knockout. Each mod can be played 9 times. meaning that one match-up will have 45 games. Once a clan has reached a clear victory(23 points), then there is no more reason to play any more games. A player has a limit of 9 games per match-up. First mod will always be Aikidobigdojo.tbm. The clan that loses a game gets to choose the next mod.

First round starts 13.07.23 and deadline is 21.07.23
Second round starts 24.07.23 and deadline is 06.08.23
Third round starts 07.08.23 and deadline is 21.08.23
Final round starts 26.08.23 and deadline is 10.09.23

any clans that want to request an extension please message me before the deadline


Special secret 3d item
Clan achievement trophy
Free ToriPrime for 1 year
A choice of any item available to purchase in the shop (excluding subscriptions, tier packs and limited packs)
20 Shiai tokens
50k Clan Perk Points

Free ToriPrime for 1 year
A choice of any item available to purchase in the shop (excluding subscriptions, tier packs and limited packs)
15 Shiai Tokens
30k Clan Perk Points
500,000 TC

Free ToriPrime for 6 months
A choice of any item available to purchase in the shop (excluding subscriptions, tier packs and limited packs)
10 Shiai Tokens
15k Clan Perk Points

For a person to qualify for prizes, they must have played at least 5 games overall in CL2023.
Last edited by ancient; Aug 23, 2023 at 07:00 PM.
pm me your questions or applications


dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn

Going to end this today and right now, actually it's ongoing, and it's raining men
It took me ten years to find the answer to something, and I forgot about it in two seconds
On behalf of 4PF I confirm that we lost 23-19 to Damned

Ggs! It was really fun and close games indeed, we hope to see you next year.
[DAMNED] vs [4PF]
23 - 19

Rounds list

Replays included in this post.

So, broken-english speech from me. (sorry)
I've got to give a big shout-out to all the clans that went against us:

[Alpha] - You guys were the toughest. Seriously, hats off to you. Hope we proved we're up for the challenge, and been worthy as an opponent for you. We know what you're all about, and we know how really strong you are. Thanks.
[Vibe] - You guys truly shined. It was a cool experience playing against you. And hey, I've got a feeling you're about to redefine the word 'style'. Keep rocking!
[Obey] - What a ride that match was, right? A mix of intense and fun. Your team spirit? Rock solid. You kept pushing, never giving up, and that's commendable. (Watch out, world, I think they're going take next CL)
[4PF] - You nearly had us! I could feel it. Even though you're the new clan, you quickly showed everyone what you're made of. You absolutely deserved to be in that final, facing us. I respect you all.

And to everyone behind the scenes, Administration and the community, and, well, everyone - big thanks for making this all happen. It was a great honor for us to be a part of all this.
It been [Damned], cya later. Maybe we will join next ClanLeague.
Attached Files
[Damned] vs [4PF] - 23-19.zip (1.34 MB, 12 views)
It took me ten years to find the answer to something, and I forgot about it in two seconds
Dont think i wanted that “You nearly had us!” but i know you meant well behind it so ggs t0nomi and all yall in damned.
I am sorry, i screwed this up. Tried to do it honest as possible, sorry once more.Thanks for understanding, ggs guys (/ ^^)/
It took me ten years to find the answer to something, and I forgot about it in two seconds
insane matches lads, was intense af, well deserved win for Damned.
Last edited by Rajen; Sep 10, 2023 at 01:02 AM.