Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Realname: James
Age: 13
Nationality: American
a little about your self: I like to play games and I am learning to make videos
QI: 1505
How Many days your online: Whenever I can (Mostly everyday)
People you Know in the clan: CheffChen
Previous Clans (Why Left): Rad (clan was deleted)
Previouse Bans (why): none
Alts: none
Why Do you want to join: I Can make videos for the clan
Read the Rules will follow them: yes
Skype Name: james.harris393
Yup :3
Btw: It would be great if I could be in a recruiter position again, ya know.. Because Im recruiting ALOT these times.
are signatures even a thing anymore..?
Mods best at: Judo,aikido,abd,mushu,and wushu
Little about myself: Love playing games play guitar play piano
im a black belt
forum acctivity 7/10
game activity 9/10
People i know in clan: CheffChen,Kfan,Mistertech
Previous Clans: (Smile),(Nike) because the never let me play in the games they played
Previous Bans: None
Why i want to join this clan: you people seem nice and i would like to join a clan which has sum respect :P
What i can do for the clan:I can try creating new openers and moves
I'm getting skype soon -.-
Real Name: Nickyle Harris (Pronounce it as Nick then kyle).
Age: 11 Years Old.
Nationality: Born in Jamaica and in England at the moment.
GMT: +1
A little about your self: In real life I do tricking and a karate called Kenpo, I've been doing both for 3 years now. I love to have fun and play football. When I'm not playing Toribash I play with my friends, but when I'm playing Toribash I love to spar.
Belt+QI: 9th Dan Black Belt, 9170.
Forum Activity: 8/10
Ingame Activity: 9.75/10
Previous Clans: I left Style because the leader was inactive for a long, long, long, long time. I left Kira because the leader left the clan and every other person left and I felt lonely.
Previous Bans: My friends sent me extra tc for an item and I thought he gave me it as extra and I spent it.
Previous Infractions: Useless posts.
Alts: Maxmoefo2.
Why Do I Want To Join The clan: Because I want to achieve more in my gaming carer and tell my mom that I did well.
What I Can Do for The Clan: I can edit videos, Offer my sparring skills in videos and teach other Flip members how to spar.
Skype Name: Nickylezx.
Replays: In a sec.
I hate all games
Great app Gizo.
Nice to see you have some ambitions in life, that is always good to see.

Great forum activity. That is what we are looking for. Also, amazing game activity. ;)

Ban is a little weird, sounds like it wasn't your fault. We'll let it go.

Infrac's. We don't really like "Useless posts" so if you can keep that to a minimum, that would be great.

We would love to see your sparring skills. It would be a great help to the clan, and we could do the same to you.

Look forward to seeing some replays from you.

Vote: Yes from me. Awaiting approval of others.
my replays wont'w work can i just send you a link to a thread with one of my tricking replays
my replays wont'w work can i just send you a link to a thread with one of my tricking replays
Scroll down on the thread and you'll see mine
Last edited by gizodude; Aug 2, 2014 at 07:42 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I hate all games