No, not rejected. Just not accepted yet. you need to post more, be active, etc etc
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
Originally Posted by boltgod View Post
So I take it I got rejected?

OHh. Jesus Chritzorz, why does everyone considers a 'post more' as 'get out of here, you got rejected' ?

Ok, lets try it more time... *cough*...

Boltgod..*cough*..uhm..., eh...

Post more
Hello, my name is : MuayThair, I'm a blue belt.
I might be not high on belt, but i do have some skill =D.
I want to join you because I really love the name and the clan seemed cool.
I'm an active player and i really love the game.
I'm 20 years old and i really love Toribash, you'll see me online alot =D.
I did not get invited by anny of your members, but i'd really love to join.
The mods i'm usually playing on are Wushu and Judo.
The difference between me and alot of other players is, I do random moves, you'll never see me doing the same move twice.
The reason i only have a few forum posts is: I don't play that long.
Well, this was my application, I hope it's good enough ;).


"I want to join you because I really love the name and the clan seemed cool."
^ That line is used in almost every bad app.
Were not a in-game clan but we do play in game once in a while for fun.
Get more forum active and go to the first page of this thread and click the TLL irc
and Get to know more about you
Add more things about you..
You seem cool
Also the reason why uou want to join is not very ''good''
Death is so sure of victory, which gives us a life of advantage
oh, i'll do
thanks ;)
yeah, i know =S

ok, more things about me:
I live alone and I practise Muay Thai for like 10 years now, I don't do it in competition, but underground.
I also do parkour/freerunning and I hope i'll ever become as great as Damien Walters.
My favourite colour is red, I think it's an epic colour :O.
The car I'd like to buy (when I'm rich) is a Mosler MT900.
The proffesion I do is : I tune cars.
The music I listen is Dubstep, Drumstep, Hardcore, Hard rock and Heavy metal.
I speak German, Dutch, French and English.
My gender is Male, and I'm straight.

Well, this was a little more about me, if you've goth anny more questions, feel free to ask =D
"I want to join you because I really loved the name and the clan seemed cool"

Thats a problem, if you want me to go straight to the point.

Im not much inspired right now to make this post wordy, so.. lets go:

Its hard as fuck to get in TLL

Which means you only get in if you are really determined

And you didnt seem much determined.


You said you want to join because you really love the name and the clan seems cool. <---- Not determination. Got my point?

YES. You have chances of being accepted, but it will take some time, a little bit more than 1 month.

TLL wants:

...To be taken seriously
...Common-sense <--------- No (No) Spamming; No one-word posts, or silly ones. No trolling. And No Spamming.

Wish you good luck. Wish TLL good luck too.
Wanna talk to you in our IRC channel
See ya