View Poll Results: Do you think Burke will be a legend one day?
Hes duh most MLGest persun evr, Of cors he will
9,223,372,036,854,775,808 Votes / 100.00%
Yeh i guess
0 Votes / 0%
3 Votes / 0.00%
Nu, hes a nub lol
2 Votes / 0.00%
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was originally making a madman with the opener but ended up making the first only replay thats of Dancing only
i didnt spend too much time on it so its not amazing
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#Xenos - Lost in Time.rpl (215.4 KB, 23 views)

Standardish moves for a brakedance replay

Nicely done with few twerkes here and there, gj
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
Something different i suppose
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#XenosUkebash - Confused.rpl (223.9 KB, 14 views)

My movement seems to be changing alot
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#Xenos - Menacing.rpl (216.2 KB, 17 views)


ur shoulders kinda fucked up in the opener which im guessing u know

idk i wasnt feeling the opener in general too much, the whole thing was u falling down then reversing your rotation to get back up

the punch was aight
i liked the position you had in general on the punch, if you pause at 345 you'll see what i mean

i feel like you could have done the kick at 313 so much better, felt really lazy

wasnt really feeling the skeet; the heli thing was pretty good but they look a lot better when your hands / nubs or whatever grip the ground a lot, in your case they didnt so much

the whole thing flowed okay but the flow wasnt exceptional and there was nothing really like outstanding about it

idk theres not much for me to say about it because there isnt alot to it
Back to imitating Jaker
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ur movements look pretty jerky and undecisive most of the time in this replay

interesting tricks, was alright until 220

don't change ur mind on rotations so much in the middle of movements
i dont even...
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#XenosMadman - ButtHead.rpl (211.9 KB, 12 views)

well i suppose i owe you guys something that's at least semi-decent...
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#XenosMadman - Extermination.rpl (495.8 KB, 22 views)

First 100 frames was a cluster fuck of twitchy arms and legs. Try to watch through the replay more closely cause that just seems like you made it and were too lazy to fix it; all you had to do was extend the stuff for one frame then relax it and it will give a better, more smooth extension. The jump into the air was cool nothing wrong with it really. The kicks were pretty cool although I feel as if you were moving too slow forward to compensate for your legs thinking they were on ecstasy. Also again with the twitching which is easy to fix. I immediately saw that you accidently relaxed your neck and then 10 frames later contracted it in hoping no one would notice. Just go over the replay and redo it so it never happened in the first place next time. The first few dm's were pretty cool I liked the arm slap thing but I just like them DM's. After this however you sort of put yourself into the air un necessarily which meant u were sort of just floating for 100 frames. Once you land though I like the movement which transitioned into the last DM besides a few more twitches which you could have fixed.
<tunadao> And if the potato get old it will be better,because noones can eat a old potato it turns into legendary potato