Hi! My name is Alex! I am 13, My GMT is EST and my IGN is AceSigma! I am a tiny individual (lol) but I can work great with others! I'm not the best at the game, but I want to join so I can learn from others, get better at the game, and make new friends! I personally have never been in a toribash clan, but I feel this is the group i'm comfortable with. I am pretty active ingame, and I check the forums a bit, but PLEASE note that I can't post everyday due to school, guitar practice, etc. However I should post once or twice a week. I can contribute just about anything I can whether it be donating TC when I have enough, or just helping a fellow member out with anything else needed! My steam is seanut brittle and if anyone in the clan needs my Skype, i'll PM them because I don't feel too comfortable putting it in my application. My favorite mods would have to be Judo, Twinswords 4, or Mushu because they are so fun to watch! "I wish to be one of the Cursed" <3
Last edited by Syrup; Oct 28, 2016 at 09:51 PM.
Sorry about the whole being busy guys, but for now Larxse and vipercat, mostly just vipercat since me and Larxse are busy, can manage this thread for now. I will hold down best I can.
i want to join
name: Thomas
age: 15
gmt: shadow118

i love dragon ball z and i change my head every season.

Forums activity: not a lot but i will upload something ones a week

in_game activity; i play after school a lot if i have homework i wont play as much

Why i want to join the clan because i know a lot of people in the clan and i think it is beter to play with others in a clan because it is fun that way.

what can i contribute to the clan I can help in wars i am a strategist in games one need be and i can find problems in move that need help playing.

Skype name is shadowkilor icon is a skyrim logo

Steam name is shadowninja1190

Favorite mode is judo and wushu

this is my only account

I wish to be one of the Cursed