Originally Posted by Tristan View Post
Says the 2 year old who needs help figuring out how to use a spoon

hey tristan go back to electric you fucking traitor

twilight isn't even that hot
The Most Hated Clan......
Originally Posted by Macrid View Post
Arctic, what makes you a SUPER Moderator? Isn't it for people who know what they're doing?

i don't know, those guys are cRAZY!!
That was really bad sorry.
Someone tell me why this guy is highly respected by some people ???
Originally Posted by Arctic View Post

i don't know, those guys are cRAZY!!

Oh, forsure.

Was Tristan's previous name MjGamer?
Originally Posted by Macrid View Post
Oh, forsure.

Was Tristan's previous name MjGamer?

Originally Posted by Templar View Post
No you were mjgamer dundus

You just got R-R-R-ROASTED