Originally Posted by Kristis133 View Post
I'm a bit confused on how his stacks work(I think it's his passive, not sure, too lazy to check, the little triangles that appear when you hit someone with one of your abilities). Any tips on how to use it properly? (When harassing or going all in)

Yeah it's his passive. Each time damage applies from one of his skills, you mark the enemy. At three marks, you deal bonus true damage. Once the true damage is applied, you can't use the effect for about 12 seconds or so, BUT if you auto attack them it also resets the stacks.

So ideal all in combo in lane would be Q for the slow, makes your E easier to hit, then W. After first tick of W connects, auto, and then ult.

So basically Q-E-W-Auto-Ult.
He has a lot of damage so you hardly need to reset the stacks but that's the optimal combo. Auto-attack range is sometimes risky.
League of Legends NA: Locus
Originally Posted by chaossook View Post
Yeah it's his passive. Each time damage applies from one of his skills, you mark the enemy. At three marks, you deal bonus true damage. Once the true damage is applied, you can't use the effect for about 12 seconds or so, BUT if you auto attack them it also resets the stacks.

So ideal all in combo in lane would be Q for the slow, makes your E easier to hit, then W. After first tick of W connects, auto, and then ult.

So basically Q-E-W-Auto-Ult.
He has a lot of damage so you hardly need to reset the stacks but that's the optimal combo. Auto-attack range is sometimes risky.

That's not right. There's no cd on passive procs. Upon being hit by a spell, a stack is put on an enemy. This stack lasts for 7 seconds. Subsequent spells and auto attacks will refresh the 7 seconds, but only spells will add additional stacks. At 3 stacks, they are consumed and deal true damage. You can instantly reapply stacks at this point.

Hence why any Q into R is already efficient, assuming you land the entirety of the R. R stacks his passive 5 times during it's duration, so landing the Q gives the 1 stack necessary to get two passive procs from his ult. The slow on q is just icing on the cake to make the r easier to land, though the r slow is usually already enough to be useful. E can substitute Q to start the ult but, as I'll express later, using E is often too risky for single target situations.

Also, you never want to ult in your auto range if you can help it, because that's in range of most disruption spells. Typically, optimal range for velkoz ult is about 1 teemo closer than the max range of your w, which is about the range of your e.

Optimal laning combo pre-6 should never use e unless you're certain to pick up the kill. It's your only hard cc, and you are a squishy immobile champion. Q is usually good enough damage by itself, and you can use the single proc as zoning threat by laying down w on their optimal last hit location. Depending on your skilling order, w or q by itself should suffice as harass most of the time.

The most optimal combo you can perform is landing e with an instant w followup with an instant q behind it, followed by full ult. That will proc your passive 3 times if done right, alongside the 1500 - 2000 magic damage. And it could, in theory, apply this to 3 targets at once.
nyan :3
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Which is insane. I'm just too young to take geometry class and I'm retarded as fuck as you can tell from my past posts. I can't Vel'Koz. Period.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
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13. I guess I'm stupid because I actually can. I must be the dumbest Asian I know in America.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
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Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
That's not right. There's no cd on passive procs. Upon being hit by a spell, a stack is put on an enemy. This stack lasts for 7 seconds. Subsequent spells and auto attacks will refresh the 7 seconds, but only spells will add additional stacks. At 3 stacks, they are consumed and deal true damage. You can instantly reapply stacks at this point.

Huh. Well I'm a bit blown away. I played Vel'koz mid for a while, mained him for a bit last season. Apparently I misunderstood the skill description. :s
My apologies.
League of Legends NA: Locus
New Veigar Q is actually a lot better than the old one, god damn you stack so quickly, 1300ap by the end of the game..
Originally Posted by Holotor View Post
New Veigar Q is actually a lot better than the old one, god damn you stack so quickly, 1300ap by the end of the game..

But good luck actually stunning anyone though... lmao.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

The Pantheon/Malphite/Yasuo wombo combo is so fucking cool. First Panth ults in and somehow gets a 4-man stun so I dive in with my ult and Yasuo followed up and we tore them down so fast it was hilarious.

rock solid

Poor Bard, he was doing so well pre-6 with his tag-team magical journey ganks with Shaco. Not sure why he picked him in Ranked though; he was only released recently..