S5 is absolute hell in the short time frame I spent there.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
S5 is absolute hell in the short time frame I spent there.

To be honest, it didn't really feel and different from the rest of bronze. Other than the fact that their are a few gold borders in B1/2- S5

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I hate to give Bronze players (especially 3's 4's and 5's) "magic bullet" advice like if they just pick this one champion or do this one thing to get out of their situation... because the truth is if you are Bronze you are Bronze because you are terrible at literally everything but... hey here it goes:

Bronze players can't close out games. They have zero clue what to do with advantages/leads. The average bronze game takes way way longer than a diamond game because if a Diamond team gets ahead, they know how to finish the game. Use this to your advantage: pick champions that benefit from that.

Fun fact: there's a chart... I wish I had it on me. And it was "ADCs, the damage they dealt to champions per game, compared to what division they were in". And Caitlyn, in Bronze, did less damage than any other ADC. (excluding Teemo/Urgot/etc. the not really marksman type). And Kog'maw of all champions did the most damage of ADCs in bronze. As you go up in leagues, the chart nearly flipped, where Caitlyn in Diamond and Masters did more damage than any other ADC, and Twitch/Kog both started to fall. There's two reasons for that: 1) Bronze/Silver/Gold/Plat ADCs are so bad at positioning, that safe far away adcs like Caitlyn are poking tanks safe away not doing shit, and B) Champs like Kog'Maw, Jinx, Twitch, and Tristana (hyper carries) are guaranteed to hit their power spike because of how long games last.

At any rate: I always offer to coach lower ELO players. I know personally that the one on one time I've had with a higher ELO player who is now my duo partner was invaluable to my success and my faster climb up the ladder. So if you want just add me and tell me who you are and maybe we can work something out.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
I would, but I'd have nothing to pay you.

But yes, I do agree with you. Late game champs dominate the lower ELOs because they can't close out games. They are the only champs I've been using recently.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
I would, but I'd have nothing to pay you.

But yes, I do agree with you. Late game champs dominate the lower ELOs because they can't close out games. They are the only champs I've been using recently.

Just pay it forward. If you get better help someone else.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
I notice a lot of bad habits from bronze players.

One of my irl friends ended up on bronze 4 after his promos, and he kept telling me how good he was and how he couldn't figure out how to climb, so I watched a few of his games. He'd sit in the fountain until after the minion waves crashed together in the lane, trying to figure out what to buy, he'd get a dorans shield(on a support), then he'd go and shove the lane as hard as possible, making last hitting very difficult for the adc. Then, once the wave was under turret, he would go up to the enemy champions, autoattack them well in turret range, and take a hit back + a turret shot. The people on the other team were doing similarly dumb things.

He gave up around 4 kills for no reason at all in lane. Under absolutely no pressure. The enemy team had several similar players, namely the mid laner and the jungler(who started raptors for some reason before going across the map to krugs and back across to gromp). Let's face it, my friend isn't getting out of bronze anytime soon. However, if you aren't terrible at everything, you'll manage to do it easily. The enemy team will be full of players like my friend, and if you take advantage of how terrible they are, you can and will snowball and win the game. Trynd is a champion I love for his carry potential against baddies. Lane opponent wants to trade early, boom crit I win the lane. Lane opponent doesn't know when to back off? Free kill. Lane opponent stays at under turret with 200 hp at level 6? Free kill. Jungler ganks when you're 6/0? Double kill.

I was playing ranked 5s with my low bronze friends and I was playing mid. I played Trynd/J4 mid, and the J4 game I went something like 16/0/18, absolutely crushed the enemy team alone. Same as Trynd, except I went like 12/1/1(they surrendered at 20, I took their inhib at about 18 mins)

If you're better than the other guy, you win.
Last edited by Hyde; Mar 16, 2015 at 09:49 PM.
I honestly think the best advice bronze people could take is that if you are in bronze, that's because that is where you deserve to be.
League of Legends NA: Locus
That's not advice. That's just you stating something.

I may stupid shit, but not that stupid shit.

Oh and yeah, I think I need help xD
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
"Players in bronze can't close" is by far the most truthful thing I've heard all week. There were multiple times where we either lost or the match lasted much lee than it should've. It seems that, instead of pushing when we clearly have the lead, my team farms.

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.
Honestly if you guys need advice, go for Hax. He was willing to sit in bot games with me for like a hour or two trying to get me to learn how to adc better. And I think my CSing and shit has gotten better from it.