Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by chaossook View Post
Yeah. I'm not saying that Yi offers more to a team, I'm just saying I could see how the matchup could be pretty rough. Malphite being already a bit weaker of a laner with the dueling power of Yi. I guess it just irked me that he dismissed your teaching so easily because of that situation.

Probably the last thing I'll say about this because it'll linger on for all the wrong reasons but I think it deserves correcting: Malphite is a very very strong laner, not a weak one. No idea how they play him in lower ELOs, but he's one of the safest lanes you can choose because of his flexibility. He can avoid dying to super harassing jerks like Pantheon, Wukong, and Renekton, he can out CS the sustain tops like Vlad, his all in at level 6 is huge if you've been poking your opponent, etc. That's why he's got a high win percentage against Jax, Gnar, Pantheon, J4, Renekton, Fiora, Riven, and Akali.

He also has very few counterpicks. Top of my head: Rumble and Cho'gath both do really well against Malphite.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by chaossook View Post
Freefarm yi is hell. If he gets free farm, and you can't stop him, he will tear you to shreads late game. Having a dodge on his alpha strike and a damage mitigation on his w, as well as massive amounts of true damage, he will kill a malphite late game, even if the malphite is slightly (~20 cs) ahead on farm.

im not going to take the time to type up a long post

im just going to say you're wrong and yi isn't that good. all it takes is 2 eyes to see when yi dives ur backline
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
Probably the last thing I'll say about this because it'll linger on for all the wrong reasons but I think it deserves correcting: Malphite is a very very strong laner, not a weak one. No idea how they play him in lower ELOs, but he's one of the safest lanes you can choose because of his flexibility. He can avoid dying to super harassing jerks like Pantheon, Wukong, and Renekton, he can out CS the sustain tops like Vlad, his all in at level 6 is huge if you've been poking your opponent, etc. That's why he's got a high win percentage against Jax, Gnar, Pantheon, J4, Renekton, Fiora, Riven, and Akali.

Sorry, yes, when I say strong laner I mean he's not going to get solo kills. He is a very safe pick, but I wouldn't call him a lane bully or anything by any means. I guess I was using strong more like a lane bully.

Originally Posted by TyZi View Post
im not going to take the time to type up a long post

im just going to say you're wrong and yi isn't that good. all it takes is 2 eyes to see when yi dives ur backline

You could say that about every champion. Zed isn't that good, it takes two eyes to see when he ults and just cc him. It's easy. Kog'maw isn't good, he has no mobility and you can just assassinate him.

I think (near) every champ at this point is viable in solo queue (except for maybe (maybe) in challenger). You can make points for or against anybody.

Yi is no different. He can be strong, if played well. He can look overwhelmingly weak.
League of Legends NA: Locus
Wow, I had a Karthus who only played him since Xiaoweixiao did. You can guess how the game ended.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays

this just in ori is an easy champer to smurf with

Originally Posted by chaossook View Post
Sorry, yes, when I say strong laner I mean he's not going to get solo kills. He is a very safe pick, but I wouldn't call him a lane bully or anything by any means. I guess I was using strong more like a lane bully.

You could say that about every champion. Zed isn't that good, it takes two eyes to see when he ults and just cc him. It's easy. Kog'maw isn't good, he has no mobility and you can just assassinate him.

I think (near) every champ at this point is viable in solo queue (except for maybe (maybe) in challenger). You can make points for or against anybody.

Yi is no different. He can be strong, if played well. He can look overwhelmingly weak.

zed IS good, he does MORE damage than yi, he can dive the whole team AND THEN get out. he also has the same splitpush as yi.

kogmaw isn't BAD, there are BETTER champions now

yi on the other hand takes 30 minutes of farming to ult and dive a backline with no health and die, every champ is viable obviously, there are better ones to pick
i stop posting here again i dont understand u guys
Last edited by TyZi; Mar 20, 2015 at 08:06 PM.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Originally Posted by TyZi View Post
zed IS good, he does MORE damage than yi, he can dive the whole team AND THEN get out. he also has the same splitpush as yi.

He does more burst damage to a single target. Yi has a lot more sustained damage to a single target. He isn't useless after he uses his abilities on one person because he's autoattack based, not skill based.
League of Legends NA: Locus
That made me cringe a little.

You saying Zed is skill based while Yi is auto attack based doesn't make any sense. That's like saying Vayne and Kog'Maw take no skill to use but Corki does.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
You misunderstood, when I said skill, I meant QWER. Maybe ability would've been a better word.
League of Legends NA: Locus
I love playing me some yi

boots -> youmuu's -> shiv -> IE -> PD -> LW

So much burst.

If you manage to Q a squishy they're instantly dead. It won't work past 25 minutes because if someone sneezes on you you're dead but lol
Or go pure AD, press Q, and watch as you get a penta. The attack speed is horrendous, but yolo right?
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays