Original Post
[GM]Best Man

Hi guys, this clan event comes to you this time from the gamemasters!
The idea of this event is for each clan to put their best man forward.
The leader will choose who fights in what mod, and that's how it'll stay for the whole thing.
If you have more than one leader then you will nominate one of those leaders to have the final say, I don't want any bickering.

This event requires you to sign your clan up (more details below) and at each stage put forward 1 member to duel another single member of another clan.
That duel will decide whether you go forward in your bracket or not.
It will be done in groups, then a bracket, like in the football world cup.
The final will then be 5 matches, best of 3 of all of your players in their mod. So for example, you win a best of 3 duel, so it's 1-0 to you. If you lose the next best of 3 duel, it's 1-1 and so on...

After all spots are filled, you will be given a week to decide who plays in what mod.
You will need players for:
All round

If you can't fill the spots, your clan probably shouldn't even be alive. greykido and aikidobigdojo are separate.
Leaders can participate.

The same person can't play twice in a row.
That is to say, if someone fights, they can't fight for 2 more matches.
So plan ahead! (This rule applies to the use of the switch card)

Each clan must take it upon themselves to organise the matches, if the player you've chosen is unreliable, you may use "the switch card". (Explained below)

The duel itself will be FIRST TO 3.
If you ping, you lose that match.
If you dc during a match, you lose that match.
If you don't reconnect in 10 minutes you lose the entire duel(or your clan leader can play the switch card if he is present)

If you have any questions, please pm me.
If I'm not available you can pm Tarlan or Powas.

1st. + + + clan points
2nd. + + + clan points
Highest K.D. + +



Yes, your saving grace. The switch card!
This is a card that can be played once every 2 matches if needs be.
So it can't be used twice in row.
It is a card that can only be played by the clan leader/representative(dueler) and it allows the dueler to switch out of the duel for another player.
The duel must not have started and that player must not have played for 2 matches. (same rules as anyone else essentially)


The on the edge card.
The Dojo size will be halved!


You may replay a single match of the duel!
Not the entire duel, just 1 match.
This could completely turn the tide of the event.


The reaction time will be halved!
Reckon you're better under pressure?
Half the reaction time and prove it!


Double the Dojo size with this "Breathing room" card!
Take the pressure off with this card and change the field of play.

Card will be given as prizes for each round. You don't automatically have them.

Full clan name:
Clan Tag:
Link to clan forum:
Do you agree to the rules and hereby concent to the invasion of your clan board, for the purpose of this event?
Average GMT: (that is to say, where are most of you from, if the answer is to varied, leave blank)





Alright, so, here's how this will work.
You will play everyone in your group once. You can choose which mod you play in, but it must adhere to the mod list and your roster.
i.e say tint chose to play all round, kristis133 would have to play
They will have to play one clan in their group in that "mod", then the next in a different mod and so on.
You can't play the same mod twice in one group, so going on the previous example, kristis133 couldn't play twice (unless the switch card was used)
You will have to decide together with your opponent clan which mod you will play and when - your job
If a clan doesn't respond, we'll talk
You will have 2 weeks to play every other clan in your group.
You will post the results here WITH REPLAYS
you can earn cards for skillful wins/decaps/no losses etc, so no replays lowers your chances of a card.
The duel will be first to 3.
Make sure you read this and the first post too
The top 2 scorers from your group will go on to the knockout bracket stages

If you have any questions, please pm me, don't clutter this thread with them, thanks


List of people:

EDIT: You can't change your list once you've played any matches
We'll give you a week to decide who gets what mod.
You may also choose 1 starting card, make it count!

If you have any questions, you may pm me or post here. Good luck, and happy thrashing!
Last edited by Erth; Apr 4, 2013 at 12:41 AM.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
[Rebelz] Roster(updated)

greykido: kendill8
akidobigdojo: dahstevey
Judofrac: Darkbind
Taekyon: uglykitty3
lenshu3ng: elitejc
Allround: doodledoo

card: breathing room

Sorry for the need of update somebody left the clan that was in it :c so i replaced him.
Guess Who's Back?
Originally Posted by Erth View Post
Vipers and Ethreal disqualified.
Everything else will continue as normal

Might wanna edit that.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
For the "all-round", do we play a best of 3 for each mod, and what happens if one wins 3 and loses 3 complete sets?
C3 died. DP died. C3 died again
Every clan i join dies :C
Originally Posted by TheJFX View Post
For the "all-round", do we play a best of 3 for each mod, and what happens if one wins 3 and loses 3 complete sets?

If you want to play the all round person now - the duel will still be first to 3 but you'll just go through the list of mods until you have a winner

As for Rebelz, ok, roster changed - you can't change your roster once you've played any matches

Ethreal are now alive so they're back in

Brackets will be re-updated later

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Ace vs TinT (abd: Ace won by 3:2)
proves: rpl1
Those are my wins ..
|Serbian|#BlameTheAnimal|RIP Zizhi and Beenyxd|LaG<33|[TA]|[OoT]

We have our first result!
No you just need to play the other clans in you bracket in a different mod, woop woop

You have just over a week left

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
A week to finish the tourney?
We don't have an opponent to play againsts..please help..
Last edited by mercykiller; Mar 17, 2013 at 03:20 PM.
/me looks at bracket
/me sees that solar has to fight raku and ultimate
/me wonders what you're talking about

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Erth we should play VS these two clans or the winner play bs us and that's the last info..wish I am not bothering anyone especially Erth :P