I want a head like in the assassinīs creed 2 I will leave a pic here maybe you will have time to make it
message originally posted by GOD
falzar read how old this thread is.....i think its closed....
hanz0:Very well done. These annoy me much less than the default smilies we've got right now.
I want one with this hair (black, with red thingies below), but more emo like, with hair over one of the eyes (you choose which of them):

Style: manga
Eyes: sleepy red manga eyes
Skin: green, zombie like
Mouth: angry, kinda like the one of the head above, but with a fang going downwards
Objects: silver headphones, with red details
Other: sleepy eyebrows

That's all!
Hope I'm first!

YAY!!! I'm first!!!
[RAID] | [T3AL] | [FLG]
I won't be active in-forums or in-game until 4.0 comes out.
Can I get a green tribal head, shadded with a darker green, maybe with a few brown speckles on it, and a few cuts on his face, and design his face with a large (and only visible) tooth sticking out of the side of hid big mouth, a wide, large nose, and evil red eyes, but not human, monsterous?