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Tourney Announcement thread.
Catch all the latest tourney news here, each ingame tourney will be announced in this thread. So if you want to be in them, you'd better keep an eye on this thread.

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Gon' be hosting a normal knockout tourney this time ROFL as if
They'll be knockout, sure, but with 7 seconds of reaction time.
It's a series. 4 tournaments. Mods are Aikido, Taekkyon, Wushu and Kickbox.

Get ready! We'll start in 15 minutes. /jo gmtourney already

Prizes will unfortunately be a bit smaller, but it's all about the fun!! Right?
Experimenting with the classic mod results to... something weird. With side gravity.

/jo gmtourney for a Knockout tournament with a weird side gravity! Prizes are random items for first and second. hot damn.

Starts in 15 minutes. Better get in now!

EDIT: it's over ;o
Last edited by Tonakai; May 26, 2013 at 04:27 AM.
We've got One Chance here! /jo onechance

One Chance is a tournament where the host is hotseated (he won't get to the last queue nor will he be specced even if he loses) and acts like an Uke. The objective for the contestants varies, but in this one you have to achieve the most points against me.
Get it? I don't do anything and all you have to do is beat me up! /jo onechance already, prizes are... well, random items for first and second :p

EDIT: 'tis over
Last edited by Tonakai; May 28, 2013 at 03:20 AM.
GMtrivia... It's been a while! /jo gmtrivia for a server specifially made for trivia questions!
There are a whole of 34 questions prepared for this one.
Starts in 15 minutes. Prizes are random items from our beloved magicalsack.
/jo gmtrivia already!
One Chance! This time with wushu3.tbm!

In this tournament you have to get the most points against me. I'm just gonna hold all! beat me up.

/jo onechance
starts in 15 minutes. Random item prizes.
One Chance once again! /jo onechance

This time the objective is to do the highest jump!! I'll be holding all as usual.

Starts in 15 minutes! /jo onechance already

EDIT: It's over ;o
Last edited by Tonakai; Jun 12, 2013 at 02:01 AM.
Another one of the same! /jo onechance for a One Chance tournament. The objective is highest altitude... This time you can throw your bodyparts!
It's gonna be hard. Test your skills... /jo onechance already, starts in 17 minutes
Last edited by Tonakai; Jun 14, 2013 at 01:15 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
/jo DAhotseat to beat the shit on a new DA member.

1k to each winner.

It started 5 min ago and will ends approx in an hour.

mod: aikidobidgojo.

player: Andrsabaka
Tc's sent.
Thanx for participating. more hotseats to come.
Last edited by nblx; Jun 14, 2013 at 02:16 AM.
Today is the Wushu day! /jo gmtourney for a brushu tournament. Soon after that we'll have at least one more tournament with an another Wushu mod. Prizes are random items for each tournament! First one starts in 13 minutes.

EDIT: Finished! Next one in 8 minutes, mod is a bit modified wushufixed
Last edited by Tonakai; Jun 17, 2013 at 06:32 PM.