Originally Posted by Markmad View Post
i compeled the game its awersome...
vid is sux

You know you can't just say something sucks without reason. It's stupid and hated by everyone.
Originally Posted by Zackerie View Post
You know you can't just say something sucks without reason. It's stupid and hated by everyone.

Quoted for truth.
Leader of ORMO||Property of [T]||A replay thread
Originally Posted by Splinter View Post
Quoted for truth.


Yeah, that's right.

Quoted for quoted for truth.

And Markmad, gtfo.

I really enjoyed the actor who was falling although he lacked enthusiasm when he hit the ground and died. 9/10
i got this free from the developers for christmas, i love it! movie=sux (no effects or editing it seemed like) though (i don't have sound, was there music?) The compustion was funny though.
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
Originally Posted by Spartan094 View Post
i got this free from the developers for christmas, i love it! movie=sux (no effects or editing it seemed like) though (i don't have sound, was there music?) The compustion was funny though.

Yes, there was music.

The sound was about...the whole joke.

And do you mean 'combustion'? XD

And I lol'd at Issac.