Original Post
Nabi TC Quests, Part Three .:: Wushu ::.
Nabi TC Quests, Part Three

Welcome to the third setup of the Nabi TC Quests. For this round we will be running the mod that might have most people specializing in it, Wushu.

This event will be held at Friday the 10th of October, at 20:00 GMT +0.
If you're confused about timezones, follow the time in this link:
I will also post in this thread about one hour before the tournament begins.

This tourney is for black belts and upwards.

- The participants will fight in a 100-minute free-for-all. No need to sign up, just show up, and fight ;)
- The most-winning player after these 100 minutes will be sent to the final fights where he will meet the BOSS OF WUSHU!!!
- They will fight 7 matches to determine the winner.

Boss: KamiKo
Mini guessing competition for who's the boss - 1k prize
(you can only guess one name once per event)

1st place, beat the boss: 60 000 TC
2nd place, did not beat the boss: 10 000 TC

General rules:
- Don't over-over-overswear. Particularly not at each other.
- Keep the spam at sane levels, please.
- No caps.
- Write in English, please.
- Don't leave or spec in mid-match.
- ...and otherwise behave like a proper person.
*failure to follow any of the above rules may result in a mute, a kick, or a ban
- Matches where the first round glitch will be reset.
- AFK wins do not count.
- I'm the one running this thing.

Now, all that remains to say is good luck, and have fun ;)
Last edited by CMon; Oct 11, 2008 at 12:06 AM.
i guess zaarock for boss
shook: Here i thought Wibbles had reached rock bottom, and then this guy brings a pickaxe.
♪ 『macAbrE』 ♫
Tourney starts in 47 minutes. The servername is tourney1, and it's branded "Nabi TC Quests 3 - Wushu" with nice, big letters.
well i had the second most kills.. and well i dont get anything so that kinda sucks D=
Need Graphic Artwork done? I'm your guy!

[Urban]Belial 10
[TAG]Jalis 1
[PFT]Uzoki 1
[IncestWarriors]SixUgly 1
Engraze 1
Cyclone3 3
[Freelance-FoG]ChrisDom 1
[Alpha]bdo 2
[Urban]Lutheus13 5
[TTF]pivotbash 5
[GMF]MasterMint 1
[DAT]Dillon207 1
[Phantom-Lazeh]ofphailure 2
[Discount_Death]Zygriuxxx 1


Kamiko vs. Belial

Belial failed his mission. KamiKo has sustained his position as Wushu-overlord.