Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I don't understand people who do bill after kor'pul. Guess that would be the people who play on madness or play as cursed.

Minor class/race spoiler

Just about to go into daikara again. Scariest early dungeon in the game, especially for mages (Projectiles! Everywhere!), but i have some lightning res now so it might be fine.

(Edit) decided to do some grinding and i got myself pretty good cold and lightning res. Then i got the fucking alternate layout so now i have to go look for fire res.
Last edited by Lazors; Jul 24, 2018 at 11:48 AM.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
I think I'll download this later tonight and share my stories; I'm an avid roguelike player and I quite like "one life" punishment that makes me value my character
I've never actually figured out how to grind in this game. I've just been going directly from location to location without any grinding, and I suspect it's getting me killed way too often.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Twas fun, made a halfing rogue and got killed by a troll boss. Only played for 20 minutes or so; will go more in depth and explore what seems like a fun roguelike when I have the time
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
I've never actually figured out how to grind in this game. I've just been going directly from location to location without any grinding, and I suspect it's getting me killed way too often.

Most people don't go into old forest until level 9 (wait longer than that and you'll miss out on a vault). If you want experience, do the race dungeons, even after you've overleveled them.
I always fc everything and i use auto explore pretty much all the time. It's a little tedious but it's just kind of how the game plays.

Gaaah died on daikara again. This time it wasn't my fault though, some fucking rare snow giant with impending doom got me, and i have no idea what to do about that except be really high level or silence. I guess if i had gotten displacement shield a little earlier i could've survived but holy hell there was no way to expect that.
Last edited by Lazors; Mar 23, 2015 at 04:18 PM.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
I decided to test out the Alchemist and instantly unlocked the Summoner class because I walked in on level 26 bears.

When I was level 1.

I've been running around in circles throwing ice bombs for days. Send help.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
I decided to test out the Alchemist and instantly unlocked the Summoner class because I walked in on level 26 bears.

When I was level 1.

I've been running around in circles throwing ice bombs for days. Send help.

I just got to level 11 with an Elf Alchemist; specing in Golem might've been a bad idea; if he dies I'm fucked xL Died already but scummed it back so I could explore the class more
So I fucking love the Summoner class. Permanently meditating so I'm almost always at equilibrium while I let 2 (for now) summons fight stuff as I run in circles. Fighting Bill was basically just backing up while dropping hydras, spiders, turtles, wolves and what have you to fight him, then warping into his treasure area when I ran out of room to back up.

Hydras are the bomb, and they aren't even the final talent in the tree. Fire drakes and stone golems have yet to come. And exploding summons and empowered summons. And rapid summoning. All while I sit high and mighty with higher defenses and healing because of meditate.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I dabbled in summoners, i should do another run soon. You're gonna love necros.


Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
I'm thinking to make a new Summoner despite my first one still being very much alive, solely because the Pureborn human has better race traits for Summoners than the original elf class that I picked.

I dabbled with an Arcane Blade, shit the curve on this class is huge. I was playing it the safe and lazy onhit style, and I got wrecked when I ran off to do the elf starting dungeon because like 50 crystals decided they all wanted a piece of my booty at once.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games