I would like to help ya out, but id be taking too much of a loss at that, so I can't go under 70k/$8 USD. Sorry kersh

Contact me if you don't get any offers or don't sell it please.
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid

I'm pretty sure as of now, if I don't sell it for 70k/ $8 usd, I will just keep the set for personal use until I get an offer that satisfies me. But thanks for the offer.

I mean I can go 7$ but that is a risk for me.
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid

Eh. Ill consider your offer at $7. That is still a little low though, so I am going to wait a bit to see if anyone wants to offer higher. And its no risk at all! Its a great set!

Alright then just PM me if you can't get any offers
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid

That set 1 was sold to me by Shadowday on a previous acc, and I wanted a recolour to elf and so he did that for me.

here was the transaction.

2013-11-30 03:30:46 To - ShadowDay 90,500 Transfer
Last edited by Cookie; Jan 28, 2014 at 09:06 PM.
The above is true, it is the fault of me and me alone, sorry for the hassle. The sets looked far too similar however.