Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Make a fantasy short story!
Alright, so here's the deal. To publicize my organization, Fabula Magnus, we're doing a crappy little event. Enjoy.


Fabula Magnus is an organization devoted to playing play-by-post RPGs and all RPGs in general. We are all about fantasy. Visit our board! http://forum.toribash.com/forumdisplay.php?f=605


Okay, you need to write us a fantasy short story. It can be any length, but it has to be good. Here are the rules:

  1. No plagiarizing. It's illegal.
  2. It must be in English.
  3. It must be fiction/fantasy.
  4. It must be readable. If your story has grade school grammar or some illegible or hard to read/put up with font, it will be disqualified.
Your deadline is April 30th. It's a long time from now, but that's on purpose. Use your time to make it a quality story.


Since we are all dirt broke, the prizes are crappy, but we do what we can:
  1. 100,000 TC. May raise as we get more donations.
  2. A "Good Enough Writer" medal, from me.
  3. A random selection of whatever valuable items I can get my hands on by April 30th.
  4. Happiness for winning something.
  5. Second/third placers might get something too.


Okay. And this time, I'll use bullet points!
  • Use at least somewhat proper English. We like it.
  • Don't purposefully make your story long or short. Make it long enough/short enough to fit the story. We don't judge the length.
  • Bonus points for basing it on our RPGs!
  • Use your time wisely!! You have one month. A good story can be made and refined in one month.
  • Bribe us. We need donations.
  • Check out our board. It's what the event is for and we'll like you for it.


Just post it here and we'll discuss it. A few days after April 30th, we'll give you the results.


Just send me the TC. I'm reliable. No, really. Also you'll be awarded with like, a thanks, or something.

Special thanks to Solax for donating some tc to the event bringing the tc prize up to 100,000 tc.
Last edited by Solax; Apr 14, 2012 at 11:54 AM.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
The box.

Its a dark day, on march 2, 3000. Im standing in a room, all dark, with a small light source coming from the center of the room. It was a box, a yellow glowing box, about the size of a shoe box. I walk over to it, and lift the lid very slowly, then... I sucked me through.

I first appeared standing near a giant red dragon. "welcome traveler. Welcome to the world of anthracite, I will be your guardian." said the dragon. "you can talk?" I replied in a scared voice."no time to explain.".
He then picked me up and placed me on his back, then he started flying.
He flew past giant trees with houses in them, and volcanos. We then reached the city of Planu. This city is where all the rich elves, orcs an dragons lived.*

We landed. "Keep a low profile, I'm wanted in these parts." the dragon told me. "Do you have a name?" I asked. He looked at me "my name in Darci. And yours is?"
I looked at him and said nothing, until it finally came out. "I don't know".
When I was younger, around the age of 1, my parents died, and I was left growing up alone in an old abandoned house.*

We walked through the market place and down past the houses, then we saw guards walking towards us. We ran, and ran. We reached the end of the city, the walls, I looked around to see if the guards were coming. After I checked I turned back to Darci, he was gone, only thing near was an old man. I searched for hours, the old man followed, then when we foot to the gates, he pulled me towards him, he then turned into the dragon.

"how?" I asked.
"Magic" he said.

We then flew as far away from the city as possible. Then we saw a bluish colored mountain with a cave in the side. It was located about 1 mile away from Planu.

After many years of living int his cave together, they established a small village, just outside the cave.

By RodeKill
April 1, 2012
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]SoA|Sexion<3|Labirynth<3|Ishi|Butler153|Tamakuu<3|Ora nganeh|CerroNegro|Stellar<3|Power Of The Riddle!
This event is wrecking my shit!

Charlot's Depths

Once upon a time in a small forest called Charlot, there was an old deity named Shur, he was about the same size as a leaf, wore brown and green clothes, had long pointy ears and loved animals of any kind. Shuur was no elf, although he wanted to be one he was happy about himself, He didn’t bother anyone nor did they bother him, until…

One day Shuur was going for a walk when he suddenly heard something that made him feel uneasy, which made his spine shiver, it was one of his fellow animals, a raccoon. It was screeching wildly! Shuur rushed to find out what that was happening…

Giants! It was giant creatures torturing the poor creature, they were plucking hair from its tail as if it were dinner! Shuur had to react quickly…He looked around and felt a rather horrible smell penetrate his nose, a Dunkle Bunkle at his left, The flower is brown and has a really strong smell. Shuur grabbed his nose, crushed the flower with his gums and spluttered the giants with the poisonous fluids, the giants screamed in agony as they tumbled away.

Shuur knew the raccoon as Tish, as he was able to communicate with animals he soon realized that the giant problem was far from over. There were more of these creatures, as Shuur healed Tish’s wounds he told Shuur what he knew.

The creatures were called shi-kai and were foul beasts that had only three feelings hate, pain and indifference. They were abominations… They were the darkness in the world, a plague. Shuur thought of consulting The Orb for guidance, The Orb was a magical artifact which he was guarding within Charlot’s core, The Sunpi Tree. The tree itself was covered with fruits in the color of the rainbow, leaves, and honey. It was also home to most of the forests creatures such as bears, deer, horse and birds.

Story to be continued…
Last edited by Fenris; Apr 1, 2012 at 12:07 PM.
It is a time where humans fought for their existence and the big war between Angels and Demons became unleashed. Generations of fear and desperation was building this dark era and only the strongest survived.Under the black sky which covered the land, the humans gathered together for a new attack against their enemys.Among them was kids too,they was just 8 years old but they are wearing military uniforms and Weapons,they was trained to kill since they could run and their eyes are full of void.Everyone got recruited doesnt matter if they wanted to become a soldier or not, they was forced to follow,forced to fight for the existence of the human race.Even when they knew they will die.
On the opposite side was a mass of creatures, so scary that even the most couraged warriors, became fullfilled with fear on their view.They came from the inner of the earth.
Since the military knew the Earth was hollow, they started to explore it and found the secret lands ,which was called a meme for so long.The residents ,who was living their, told them about the history, the history how the humanity really got created, and about the Dimension door under the crystal ocean,but the general of the military expedition to the earth core,became to greedy.He stole the Crystal Weapons and hypnotized his soldiers to kill the elder of the Din tribe.He started to use what he learned from this wise residents against them,to destroy their cities and open the Dimension door with the soul of the Elder.This opened the way to the 4th Dimension, where the Demons lived.The general and his soldiers saw how a dark Smoke came out of the Door and entered the 3rd dimension,it materialized to a bunch of monsters and they killed the general and his folks.The monsters became more and more and breaked out, to the surface of the earth.
This is the reason why the most just call them, Hells Army.
The monsters snorted, and licked their lips for the blood of the humans.
Their growling could be audible from kilometres away.
Then a man is stepping out of the human side...
He is wearing a black~reddish military uniform,in a camouflagge pattern and a Crystal Weapon, inside his holsters was 2 plasma pistols and on his back a Black Sword with red ornaments.
Thousands of scars are covering his muscular body,scars of the countless past fights.
He is wearing the eye of the elder who got killed in the past from General Maton and his soldiers.
It gives him the ability to foresee things before they happen.
U couldnt see any fear in his eyes, just the fire of his soul.
He closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them abruptly
and he screamed:"my brothers and sisters!!! All people who gathered together here, at this moment, at this second. The Time has come to spill our hands with the blood of our enemies and send them back to the fucking place where they come from!!!!"

Last edited by thedevill; Apr 1, 2012 at 02:32 PM.
The Sleepy Beast
Just a start out WIP but here goes nothing I guess:


The snow continued to fall heavily as Celeste wrapped her scarf across her face. The deep cold air was difficult to breath. Walking purposefully down the center of the wide road that on any other evening would be covered with noisy traffic, she marveled at how the blanket of white snow seemed to illuminate the darkness.

If it wasn’t for her urgent mission to get to the pharmacy on the other side of the town square before the winter storm forced everyone to close their shops, Celeste might have enjoyed the peacefulness of the silently falling snow. Already the winter wonderland had banished all creatures fierce and not to the shelter of their homes, and not a sound could be heard except Celeste’s footsteps as they sunk into the powdery white blanket. It seemed the benches along the side of the road summoned her to sit for a while and listen to the soundless night, but the image of Steven, burning with fever, chased such thoughts from her mind.

Far off in the distance, Celeste could see a single light burning on a city street and she drove herself toward it as quickly as her feet would carry her. The pharmacist had been compassionate, but firm about his need to close the shop before the roads to his home became impassable. Steven had been sick for days, and with his condition worsening, the antibiotics would be the only hope to stop the infection racing through his blood stream. Celeste had always felt a special sense of responsibility for her younger brother and she was determined not to fail him tonight.
Last edited by Wolfe; Apr 3, 2012 at 09:13 PM.
Here's my entry


The 3rd and the wreckage.

They were three. Three friends walking alone, miles away from the city. The glittering white snow wasn't much help against the dark night, they couldn't see too far away.
Suddenly, a light began to shine far away from them. One of the three stood still, his eyes glowing while staring deeply into the light. He was still conscious of his action, but was so drawn to the light that he couldn't even think straight to move.

The other two, after walking a couple of steps in front of him, turned around to check out what was keeping him, and to their surprise, he vanished.
He could still see them, they couldn't see him. He wasn't there anymore. But he didn't move, he was still standing in the same place, but he wasn't there, he could see them, while still staring at the light. They couldn't see him, nor could they see the light.

Those two had no choice but to continue on walking, or else they will become victims of the snow. But then, the second one stops moving, looks up, and started gaising upon the sky. According to the last friend, he dissapeared, according to him, he was still there, but he could'nt move.
He was looking at a faint light in the sky. In the center of this light, was a silouhette, it was the one of the first party of those three friends.

The third had to move on, the snow was getting worse. While walking alone, in the darkest hour of the night, he was thinking... Thinking of the previous occurences. He was surprised that he wasn't too concerned. He was, on the other hand, concerned of this lack of interest he was experiencing, but... he couldn't stop, he had to keep walking.

A couple of hours passed, and he was still walking, thinking : why would they go? Where did they leave to? But he couldn't stop!

He then spotted something in the distance. A car! Pleased with this sight, he started running towards the car, hoping that it will help him in finding his way back.
To his surprise, the car lit up it's headlights and started moving towards him. A few meters away from the 3rd, the car started speeding up. He blinked. Upon reopenning his eyes, the car was a couple of feet away from him, but... it had stopped, and gained a look as if it had crashed.

With nothing around him but snow, he began to think of the cause of this silent wreck. He didn't hear a sound, he didn't see it's broken parts flying around after the crash, it was just a wrecked car in front of him.

He walked towards it's driver's door, and looked inside... No one. Suddenly, the headlights were turned on again. He looked at them, then looked inside the car again; He saw his friends. Blinked, they were gone, with the lights turned off.

He had to investigate but couldn't... He had to keep walking. He had to move on!

Life is filled with these occurences. Friends and families die, we can't see them anymore, but they are still with us, they can still see us. We sometimes never know the reason of their death. It could've been a car accident... A wreckage.
But thinking of these things isn't going to lead us anywhere, it will only let us fall into the subject, become it's victim, and never come out. We can't do anything about it. Anything except one; we have to move on!


Good luck to all participants
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Here is my story, I hope you don't get bored reading it .

The lands of Azurion had 3 prime lands: Ghu'brid Lak, Ikolion and Methylzon. Ghu'brid Lak was filled with mostly marsh creatures such as Goblins, Ogres, Trolls and Orcs and are all known for their weapon smithing and enraged battling. Ikolion housed mostly forest creatures such as Elves, Dwarves, Wood elves and Sprites and were known for their mechanics, constructions and bow smithing/ranged weapons. Methylzon had dangerous, primal and evil forces which consists mainly of Griffins, Hydras, Dragons and Volcano Golems and they were known for their trading/marketting skills, knowledge and being non-hostile unless threatened. Methylzon had more of a barren-wasteland and volcanowy look to it.

4th of Golden Sun, 5th Era, Year 182.
Balrog the troll was wondering through the mudfields with his friend Morkal
who was also a troll. They were just talking about their recent lives seeming
as they haven't cought up in a year or 2 and they couldn't notice how much
they each changed. A few moments later some sort of insect got caught in
Balrog's eye and he was running around requesting help from his friend as
Morkal laughed, at that moment Balrog stumbled and his head landed on some
sort of stone which almost looked like it has some aura of darkness around it.
Morkal cracked up laughing and he fell to ground laughing with his eyes shut.
A minute later Balrog's eyes turned onyx and it looked like he had some sort
of necromantical powers because he was floating in the air, he landed and he
grew possibly a metre more in height and got some sort of ethereal club in his
hand. The ground around Balrog started to turn into lava, Morkal's foot was in
it and so he opened his eyes. That was the last time Morkal was ever seen.

9th of Equilibrium, 6th Era, Year 436.
Back in Ikolion, Qubock the Elf was out hunting. Today he wanted to find some
big game so he decided to go out to some of the furthest boundaries of
Ikolion where the best animals were found. He wanted to hunt down a red
wilderbeast, the hardest target to obtain. He managed to just find one near
the borders of Ikolion and so if he were to get this animal down he would have
to take it down with a stealthy headshot. As Qubock aimed he noticed the
wilderbeast already had half eaten a rabbit. Qubock quietly said to himself, "I
can't eat that, it is eating a rabbit!". But alas he accidently let go and shot
beast directly in the neck and killed it. According to village rules no dead
animals are to be left out in the forest so Qubock stuffed the animal into his
sack. As he was putting the animal in the sack he couldn't help notice the tip
of a dark stone in the ground which seemed a bit magical hence it having an
aura of sort. So he didn't touch it because those types of things are usually
dangerous. He got home to his hut in the woods, maybe a kilometre or 2
away from civilisation and cooked the wilderbeast in his stew. The beast had
some sort of mark on his foot, a very dark mark but Qubock didn't notice it.
He finished the stew and half an hour later he felt a bit sick. 15 minutes later
his nails grew into claws and his hands had turned Black, then he looked in
the mirror and he had Onyx eyes. He thought he was hallucinating and so he thought a bit more hunting would solve it. He reached his bow and he felt very tired. He touched his bow and the last thing he saw before he fell asleep was his bow growing into some sort of black master bow.

1st of Eclipse, 6th Era, Year 440.
"I cannot believe that scheme against all the other races worked." spoke
Hyronzyu the Dragon. "First we pretended to be allies with those mortals to
partially gain their trust." said Amnifortus the Giant Winged Chimera. "Then we
planted 2 secret enviorus stone which had been found by our new members:
Balrog and Qubock, which by the way had been a big success!" exclaimed
Forte the Evil Griffin. " Now we shall wage war, eliminate the other races and
claim Azurion fully ours!" said Lyroth, the Elder behemoth. Then Lyroth came
out of his dwelling with his associates and stood outside. Lyroth picked up a
boulder and launched it up into the centre of the island and then Amnifortus
and Forte flew up synchronised and broke the boulders and made the rocks
into letters, resembling a message. A moment later Hyronzyu ignited the
message so hard the message stood in the air and turned into dust. The
messaged resembled: "We were never your allies! Prepare yourselves for war
over the sake of the land!" Every being in the land saw this message and
immediately it was red alert for everybody. The Ghu'brid Lak and creatures ok
Ikolion had to merge to create a mega army. Each opposing side readied their
weapons and went into war.

Same day
The "good" races now known as the Minthrilites had almost no hope. The odds were greatly against the Minthrilites seeming as they didn't have the technology, magic or willpower of the opposing invaders. Whilst the armies were preparing for war, a little create known as tonial was just walking around in the forests. Since it was getting late this tonial had to get back into his burrow where he lived. He of course was lost but near him was a hill with a hole in it, obviously making a good temporary home. When tonials wake up, they have a habit of digging a metre down before they get out today was no different except for the shining really bright white stone and if you held it, you would feel power. It was way too much for the tonial to bare so he went to the nearest house and buried it. Next morning like her normal routine mrs. Genefria (Qubock's mom) goes to Qubock's house. She steps on the doormat and feels something at her toes. She gets it and as quickly as she could, she goes to the alchemist. Unfortunately the shop was located next to the volcano and asked the alchemist what the stone is. He did not know and so he asked if he could keep it to examine.

The next day
The 2 sides were gathered in their places to fight. All of a sudden a big demon pulls out this black orb and everyone of his soldiers die as their power is getting siphoned into the orb. The demon throws the orb up so high and it just floats up on top of the volcano. The alchemist is at his shop having lunch and randomly the crystal stone flies out of the roof while breaking the roof. It was soaring into the sky and it attached to the black orb. It started to move erattically and clouds were getting sucked into the orb and crystal combination. The volcano was shaking and the black and white sphere absorbed all the lava to and then the orb turned a null grey. Nobody knew what it meant. 20 seconds later it breaks open releasing the super sonic waves that completely obliterated the land, destroyed the volcano and annihilated everyone. Azurion is dead now.
Last edited by cozzakilll; May 1, 2012 at 01:51 AM.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
Mistery Box.

In the beginning, the universe was empty, except for the stars and the simple gray planet, Earth. On the small planet was a country called Tierra. Now, this country was controlled by gods. One of these gods, Colore, was known by the humans as the goddess of color. Her hair was made of every color from bright blues, to deep reds, to luminous yellows. Unfortunately, the earth, at this time, was just shades of gray. And, so the humans longed for some color, but had no idea how to get any. Colore was a very selfish goddess and refused to give any color to the humans.

Her three children, which she named Primo, Segundo, and Crystal, were very fond of Humans. All three felt they had to do something to give the Humans color. One night, while their mother slept, Primo, Segundo, and Crystal crept into her bedroom. They carefully shaved their mother's head and neatly collected the hair in a gray leather bag. They made sure that they did not wake her, for if she did wake up, they would be greatly punished. Then, the three decided to head off to Tipes. Tipes, the highest mountain in Tierra, was surrounded by the Pital Forest. Even though Tipes was an extremely beautiful mountain, no one dared to go through the Pital Forest to get there. But, in order to give the Humans their long awaited color, the children had to go to Tipes and wring the color out of the hair. The color would then flow down the mountain and fill the land with spirited color. They decided to carry out with the plan. They slowly walked along Creak's Path. This path was the "safest" path through Pital Forest. The Humans named it after Flor Creak, who was the only Human to survive Pital Forest. As they walked along, they heard the wind howling all around them, and their fright grew. Even though they were the children of a goddess, they still could be hurt by anyone, even a Human. Primo led, with Segundo in the middle, while Crystal was last. To the group's disadvantage, Crystal was deaf, and could not hear their mother's footsteps getting closer to them. Primo, Segundo, and Crystal reached the top of the mountain and cautiously removed the colored hair out of the leather bag. As they did so, they did not see the growing shadow of their mother on them. It was too late to react when they did notice, for their mother captured them inside a metal net. While inside the net, Primo put the hair inside of the bag and hid it under his clothing. Colore asked them where the hair was, and the children did not answer her. She bought them down to Frio, the Underworld. This was controlled by Bajon, a human-like god, who was married to Colore There, Colore left the children in the care of her husband, Bajon. Bajon did not care for his children, nor did he care what they did, so he let them roam freely in Frio.

The three children decided to hide the hair in a place where the humans would get to it. They searched and searched around Frio, and to their dismay, found no place that was close to the surface. They did, for the time being, hide it in a small, inactive geyser called Mobee's Geyser. From the Heavens above, Colore watched her children hide the hair in Mobee's Geyser. While her children slept, she made the inactive geyser erupt. But, unlike any other geyser, this one erupted with a poisonous gas. This gas was filled with all the evils and misfortunes that the Humans of this time never experienced before. The gas pushed out of the geyser and lifted the hair and spread is all across the land of Tierra. The hair fell on everything and filled the land with beauty. But the gas containing evils and misfortunes also spread across the land and was breathed by everyone. Colore was pleased on what she did. The Humans awoke to find Tierra filled with color. They praised and worshiped Colore for such a sacred offering. The Humans were also drugged with the gas and started to quarrel. The ones that were filled with Jealousy complained about how the other Human had better colors than they did. The ones that were filled with Disgust fought against the ones who complained about their color. The ones that were contaminated with Panic ran away from the fighting. The ones that were polluted with Execrate swore at the ones who fled. The ones that were poisoned with Hostility went around and threatened to cut off the tongues of those who used the profane language. And, still there were other mishaps happening. For instance, some of the Humans were trying to rebel against their government. Also some were destroying the temples built especially for the gods and the goddesses. Colore was even happier then. Bajon left the underworld to join his wife with the celebration. There Colore and Bajon enjoyed the destruction of the Humans. They were impressed by how quickly the evils and the mishaps were spreading. They paid no attention other than that of how quickly the Humans were killing each other.

While the celebrating was going on in the Heavens, the children planned an escape of the Underworld. They determined that this would be the best time to escape the Underworld. With no one watching, and with no Humans around, they fled past the metal gates which were the door to the Underworld. They were finally free of that wretched place. Now, all they had to do was to free the Humans of the awful tragedy that they were experiencing. They thought that they would have to go around and try to make everyone be peaceful to each other. It would not be an easy task, but they were determined to do it. They ran around collecting the swords of the Hostile, shared colors with the Jealous, and tried to quiet the Execrate, and bring back the Paniced. Unfortunately, it didn't work. The Humans started to fight, again. Colore and Bajon saw what the children were doing and decided to put an end to them. Out of the sky came down razor sharp spears that were headed for the children. The children were too busy to look out to see their doom. Primo was bringing back some Panicked while a golden spear pierced his heart and another, his leg. Segundo was collecting swords while a spear went through his eyes. Crystal was helping the Disgusted while a single spear went through her stomach. All three were killed instantly. Their blood stained their clothing.

Alto, the leader of all the gods, saw this and was not pleased. He sentenced Colore and Bajon to mortality, where they would certainly die. Then he made a miracle happen. He collected the blood and the souls of the children and formed them into Hope, Glory, and Care to help and guide the Humans. The Humans, from that day forth fought an everlasting battle against evil, all because they got what they wished for.

the end

Last edited by Zus; Apr 7, 2012 at 08:08 PM.