Are we talking about the same clan?
The Legend with HbrewHamr, deady, Vigilante?

Or was there another one?

Whatever, you are accepted, start posting and put your tag on.
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Hey there, Im interested in joining, but the last post of the thread is from two weeks ago. I was wondering if your still taking applications?
Of course we are, its just that, some of our members are a bit inactive.
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
Need to PM a SMod?

Unofficial Skimmer of Discussion!

Fabula Magnus wants more able RPers!
Cataclysm is still alive?


Wiggi must love me forever now.
Whatever you want :3

Here is fine.

Although as Bluebelt, I dunno.
Just apply and we'll see.
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Alright. If I get in, then Yay. If im not the right material, thats okay.

Name: Eckz70
Belt: Blue

Location: United States, East Coast.
GMT(Timezone): Eastern Standard Time, +5

Favorite Mod: Wushu or Aikido.

I would love to join Hunters for many reasons. For one, I would love to be part of an active group of Toribash players. I haven't been in any clans before, and I've very much wanted to become a member of one. Your clan looks like it is filled with nice, easy to get along with, active members, which I would enjoy being a part of. I am just now getting back into Toribash, after a break of a year or so, hence my low Forum post and low rank. I had lost this profiles information when I first came back after my break, but I found the password somewhere in my computer, and I am now using it again. Although, I am only a blue belt, I think I can be some compitition for belts above me. Also, as RayA75 posted above, your clan has some members that are un-active. I get on Toribash atleast once a day, and same with the forums, if not more than once.

Previous Clans and reasons for leaving: None.
Organizations you are member of: None, but hoping to join some soon!

Skills you have :Art and Texture making. (Also Musician, if that counts for anything :3. )
Examples of said skill: Both of these are very quickly done! I can do MUCH better.
1. Undetailed head.
2. A signature I suppose!
3. A few things non-related to Toribash.

Infraction/Ban history: One infraction from very long ago. I had forgotten to put an End Date of an Auction I was running.

Thanks .
Last edited by Eckz70; Jun 17, 2010 at 08:58 PM.
Mind posting a few more examples of your art?

And did you have alt accounts?

A maybe from me at the moment :3
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