Original Post
Toribash 5.0
It's out! Steam only for the moment but there should be a standalone client coming eventually.

New features
- Matchmaking (Got ideas for improving matchmaking? Post them here)
* Queueing should work in SP and while queued/specced in MP
- Torishop multibuy
- Steam voice chat
* /voicechat on to enable
* Default push-to-talk key is Q
* Commands: /voicechat, /voicevolume, /voicemute, /voiceunmute
- Text chat mute (Finally!)

- Rapidly speccing and reentering after matches in duel mode should no longer start a new match (duel trapping)
- Tried fixing the bug where the game glitches and reuses the openers from the previous match, please report if it happens to you Sounds like this one persists

Known issues
- Voicechat is currently having issues, im sory
- Kiai/win sounds not working
Last edited by hanz0; Mar 4, 2016 at 03:19 PM.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
How exactly does the in game chat work? (pardon my idiocy). Do you just plug in the headset or something and speak? Do you just plug in the headset and talk? or....

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
I'm assuming you just plug in your stuff and talk. (while holding push-to-talk)

Apathetic User
Voicechat and matchmaking are both having some issues (nobody can hear each other voicechatting, matchmaking seems to be matching but not moving players to rooms to play), but the way voicechat should work is you type /voicechat on to enable, then Q to push-to-talk. There's a little icon that appears next to your name when you're voicechatting.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
Originally Posted by hanz0 View Post
Voicechat and matchmaking are both having some issues (nobody can hear each other voicechatting, matchmaking seems to be matching but not moving players to rooms to play), but the way voicechat should work is you type /voicechat on to enable, then Q to push-to-talk. There's a little icon that appears next to your name when you're voicechatting.

Agh, okay. Sweetness. Just wanted to know how it worked when it gets up and running.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Originally Posted by Viddah View Post
The days of Gynx' buckshots are over



y'all cant proo nothin'!


Btw maybe a long know bug or not but, if you have whispers open and when you minimise the game then go in-game again they just disappear. Maybe there is an easy fix, but I dont know it. If someone can please tell me how, please do it