.. Much mean people..

Just keep working on improving yourself.
This specific piece is bad. Not horrible, but it lacks skill,
skill which you can obtain by keeping on trying.
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
Lol, Freelancer, this is not DeviantArt pro exhibition. 90% of people posting here still struggle with basics of Gimp or PS, or never tried to make some art before... Or they use mouse to draw and they are heavy drinkers so their hands shake... XD

Anyway, as long he didn't posted a toilet paper he just used to wipe his ass, it's ok. Although, in some cultures, even that is considered as art. XD Who are we to judge?
Django: You can clean up the mess, but don't touch my coffin.
Work on blending techniques and keep practicing, don't listen to people like freelancer, they are only here to bring you down. Try to get some other colors, I don't think the fire and the green match much. Maybe put a greenish landscape behind him and do some simpler effects since you are probably just starting off
Originally Posted by Freelancer View Post
This is terrible! Why would anyone EVER want to post this into the internet for over seven billion people see for the rest of the life of the internet?
The tori is poorly cut out - you didn't even try to fix that. At all.
The flames aren't lit. They emit no light what so ever.
The head texture looks like you googled an image and just resized it to fit a head.
You know what you are? An insult to those who work hard to achieve perfection. Those who work hours to figure out how to appeal to the public. How to send their message through their creation.

This is not art. This is murder. If you wish to continue making art and call it art: Work harder. Much much harder.

Holy shit dude the kids just starting you should give him tips not holds his nuts in a vice grip and shit on him.
Originally Posted by alexbeast View Post
Holy shit dude the kids just starting you should give him tips not holds his nuts in a vice grip and shit on him.

That's what works best.

You can either take on the harsh critique, and improve. Or you can go cry in a corner.
Originally Posted by Django777 View Post
Lol, Freelancer, this is not DeviantArt pro exhibition. 90% of people posting here still struggle with basics of Gimp or PS, or never tried to make some art before... Or they use mouse to draw and they are heavy drinkers so their hands shake... XD

Anyway, as long he didn't posted a toilet paper he just used to wipe his ass, it's ok. Although, in some cultures, even that is considered as art. XD Who are we to judge?

This man have a point. He is new to this, he needs the encouragement to continue his journey rather than just loosing all hope and give up art. We all started off more or less like this and I think this is a good start. It doesn't look like a masterpiece just yet but hey, we all got to start somewhere. And you might say that "if he can't handle my criticism he doesn't belong in the art world" Why not? there is a difference between saying what is wrong and right about his artwork so he knows what he did wrong and he can improve on that than to murder his hopes and dreams just when he is trying to get the grasp of it with harsh comments. This isn't giving constructive criticism, this is being a dick.
Originally Posted by Ezeth View Post
This man have a point. He is new to this, he needs the encouragement to continue his journey rather than just loosing all hope and give up art. We all started off more or less like this and I think this is a good start. It doesn't look like a masterpiece just yet but hey, we all got to start somewhere. And you might say that "if he can't handle my criticism he doesn't belong in the art world" Why not? there is a difference between saying what is wrong and right about his artwork so he knows what he did wrong and he can improve on that than to murder his hopes and dreams just when he is trying to get the grasp of it with harsh comments. This isn't giving constructive criticism, this is being a dick.

Agreed. Theres a difference between a good cnc and straight up insulting someone which in freelancer's case is the latter. I used to be like OP but i looked up tutorials and sought advise from skilled people to improve on my art. Dont let others bring you down. Take in what you find useful and work hard.
<8OJ4N>Dark hax-a-lot
<8OJ4N>sounds like a knight

* Pose needs work.
* Orc gradient looks bad
* Contrast between tori and the stock flame image is too high
* what's up with his head?
* tori is cropped out real badly. Don't use magic wand, maybe using shaders to green-screen would work
* again, the stock flame image
* bad concept

First things first fix your background, the flames need to be a bit brighter or just start with something more simplistic because it's really hard to make flames look good, they need to blend into another background for that.
Second, Get a better pose on your tori. In a nutshell, learn to play the game. Relax and hold work wonders.
If you can't crop propperly try matching shaders to your background

Just my attempt to help a bit. be aware that it will still look like shit even if you do things somewhat "right". That's because it's copypasted out of fragments.
I used to do something very similiar to this, sadly it was back in like 2012 so the images got lost. Therefore no examples.

Last edited by Karolk; Feb 7, 2014 at 02:40 PM.