Original Post
3.0 Trailer (download here!)
Hey bashers, its finally done!
guess it was a bit of a long wait, but i hope you think it was worth it.
Thanks to everyone who submitted replays to the competition,


Toribash 3.0 Trailers HQ (.avi, xvid)

Toribash 3.0 Trailers HQ (.mp4) (best audio sync)

quick and dirty Youtube version:

Originally Posted by DarkEnergy View Post
Yeah, i saw this about 3 days before it got posted here.

That is why it's good to subscribe to Hampa. :3. Otherwise, good video.

Same here. it wasn't as good as i expected...
ya....i wish it was a little better.....but then again. it must have been hard doing just that...perfecting=even harder
<Shlimby> lol, no Ad, just stop seeing those melons
<ADTerminal> Sure
<Shlimby> and dont take them into ur bed at night
<ADTerminal> But it's where I keep them warm
I would've been in, the replays i submitted are about 3 weeks old. He wasn't into fast madmans. He was most likely into stylish, fast moves, which i have made.

Dark + Alex 7: Erasus. My last vid.
Two of my replays made it in the trailer. I'm so proud of myself ^_^.

The trailer is very cool. Some of the shots are really well done.
Your shits weak."Emoki113r"
I might not have made it in, but I'm still angry that I forgot to post replays. D:

Edit: Still amazing though.
Steam ID: budster650
I love that my replays were in it, and this is the most awesome trailer ever... EVERRRRR.
-I am Unsatisfied.... the blood of children is not enough, no... I need fresher.... I need... TEENAGE PROSTITUTES!
-RelaxAll, for the soul, heart, mind, and any drug addictions you may/may not be suffering from!
"Also please note that sometimes the staff gets a wee bit pissy.
If you encounter a moderator when they're in a pissy mood, and you get banned... All I can say is: BAD LUCK" -Veb
There? Small right? Feel happier? Yes you do! OH YES YOU DO!... pls?
nok why didnt you put this up here 3 days ago when hampa had it on youtube? still good though. like the music, but none of my replays made it in D= oh well. still kicks azz.
B'i B'heard B'everything B'you B'just B'said.
Please PM me any Toribash tips you have(no noobs though)(lol)(but seriously i dont want any noobs giving me tips)
That was fxcking godly. Hampa, Deerslayer, Nok, and everyone that made it in. you are GODLY. I think Dafe was shown the most, though =<.<=