Originally Posted by Gurtrid View Post
When I had windows Vista and an 8600 Toribash ran 60 fps on max but the moment I upgraded to Windows 7 all settings were stuck on low and the fps level was around 5. Soon later I bought a better PC and am now able to play Crysis maxed out with windows 7 but toribash is still stuck on low and the fps is still 5... Please help me I love toribash but I dont know wtf to do

Originally Posted by BryanFrobs View Post
Hi guys!

i installed Windows 7 Home Edition and toribash doesn't run perfectly (works slowly) and i wanna know why

i had windos XP and worked perfectly

XP: 61fps
W7 : 5-10 fps

help me please

You both should download drivers from your GPU manufaturers site. Yes, I know that there's automatic update in Windows 7, but it only downloads DirectX drivers (wich most games use). BUT Toribash uses OpenGL instead of DirectX (Why? Because it's multi platform game I.E it's made for Windows, Linux and Mac.

Here is tutorial for installing drivers.
< Larfen> also my replay thread has more views than the rules thread \o/

...This probably explains most problems in this community.
Note: there is no performance drop that is recognisable from XP to windows 7, make sure your drivers are installed correctly, measured drops from XP to windows 7 turn up about 1fps difference in games.

Update drivers
I will state this again, I've read technical articles on the speed difference between vista, 7 and XP, and none of them have any specific speed advantage, they come out on top in different orders seemingly randomly.

[EDIT] This isn't the exact article i was referencing (I can't link you to a magazine page xD) but this will do fine:,2817,2355703,00.asp
apart from start up time windows 7 appears to be faster, vista lags behind allot but not by anything noticeably bad.

If you score 1 for average, 2 for green, and 0 for red:
7: 9 points
XP: 6 points
Vista: 3 points
Last edited by Vox; Jun 11, 2010 at 08:41 AM.
Originally Posted by bcool137 View Post
windows seven is slower
it takes up more space

Listen to Vox. He is a support moderator and knows what he is talking about.
Originally Posted by Aspire