a. good. skeet.

maybe it's because i haven't seen a lot if skeets, but this definitely a good one.

although it's not a skeet, i get a crazy spin in a replay i've posted. it's on "ARGHUMBA(my madmans)", and it's called "qymnastic madman" (i know, there's a typo). sorry for having to advertise, but still...
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
"A common misuse of the term is to describe any form of shooting at clay targets as "shooting skeet" or even to refer to the targets themselves as "skeets", but this usage is technically incorrect." And in this case, just replace "shooting at clay targets" with "throwing stuff at uke's head".

That was ace Imsku...

I feel that now is as good a time as any to say that we need a name for this type of "bounce" skeet as calling it a skeet when it clearly is not is getting on my tits...

I suggest Bounce Skeet

P.s. ace replay man