All i know about death is when you get decaped, you still can see and hear for like 30 seconds, chickens can even move their bodies after decaptation.
And this question can't be precisely answered, by the simple fact of no one has a proof of afterlife experience.
Also normal humans only use 20% of their brain capability, wy is that? no friggin idea, but i think whe were made to believe whe know everythin, when its not true, not telling a God made us to act like this, i mean like Allien experiment.
Alliens made us as a experiment, how things with low brain usage wold evolve.
Buckshot Aspirin to ease ur headache
Originally Posted by YouDown View Post
All i know about death is when you get decaped, you still can see and hear for like 30 seconds, chickens can even move their bodies after decaptation.
And this question can't be precisely answered, by the simple fact of no one has a proof of afterlife experience.
Also normal humans only use 20% of their brain capability, wy is that? no friggin idea, but i think whe were made to believe whe know everythin, when its not true, not telling a God made us to act like this, i mean like Allien experiment.
Alliens made us as a experiment, how things with low brain usage wold evolve.

You mean like in Indiana Jones the Crystal Skull?
Purity Of Essence
What the hell does a crystal skull that makes the world fall apart have to do with Allien experiments?
Buckshot Aspirin to ease ur headache
Originally Posted by YouDown View Post
What the hell does a crystal skull that makes the world fall apart have to do with Allien experiments?

Nothing really, you just reminded me of it.
Purity Of Essence
Originally Posted by Cloneone1 View Post
Maybe it is. Knowledge is power. If we look into this, maybe we can accomplish resurrection? Even though it's necromancy, it can be VERY good. Like resurrecting a love one.

People have been looking into it for thousands of years though, without any real progress. Even if the world just took a break for fifty years from worrying about this, and essentially religion, I think things would get really interesting, in a good way.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Originally Posted by Cloneone1 View Post
Okay! Hyde closed two of my threads(D:<), thinking that my questions were too easy to answer, well he *cannot* say the same for the following!

Obviously, nobody has died and lived to tell the tale. So, I want you to discuss what *you think* happens after death. Is there heaven/hell? Does you live another life? Is there eternal nothingness? Remember that this is what you think might happen, the point of this discussion is not to prove who is right, but to open people's eyes.

Something to leave you thinking:

You know the law of conservation of matter? How matter isn't created, and isn't destroyed. It's always there, but can take different forms. Think of you that way, you have to go somewhere. But do your experiences? Your thoughts? In science you hear "law of conservation..." a lot. Things don't dissapear, but do these laws apply to non-physical things? Such as thoughts?

^Just a thought, a bit offtopic. I just wanted to get your thoughts going.

Fact: The impulses in your brain are your thoughts. When you die, the impulses stop. That doesn't necessarily mean you won't go to heaven or something.

My believe: When you die, "You" are gone. Your body remains. The electrical impulses in your brains were the actual "you".

Originally Posted by Cloneone1 View Post
Maybe it is. Knowledge is power. If we look into this, maybe we can accomplish resurrection? Even though it's necromancy, it can be VERY good. Like resurrecting a love one.

Resurrection is utter bullshit. Knowing what happens to a "soul" after death doesn't help you. Also, after 4 minutes of death, the body starts to get irreversible damage. Resurrection is therefor only possible right after death and that already exist. It is called reanimation.

Originally Posted by YouDown
All i know about death is when you get decaped, you still can see and hear for like 30 seconds, chickens can even move their bodies after decaptation.
And this question can't be precisely answered, by the simple fact of no one has a proof of afterlife experience.
Also normal humans only use 20% of their brain capability, wy is that? no friggin idea, but i think whe were made to believe whe know everythin, when its not true, not telling a God made us to act like this, i mean like Allien experiment.
Alliens made us as a experiment, how things with low brain usage wold evolve.

When you get decaped, you have just enough time to blink thirteen times. So not 30 seconds, more like 2 or 3. Also, a chicken can't really consciously move it's body, the body just flails around for a bit, then falls over.

And it's perfectly explainable. If you get decaped, the main problem for death is the fact that your blood can't provide your brain with any more oxygen and other needs. Therefor it dies. If the blood wouldn't be the problem, then the fact that you can't really do anything anymore will kill you, no organs etc. But there is just enough blood in the brain left to do some things. After that, it's pretty much done.
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash
It is the common view held in all scientific circles that death would not be disimilar from going to sleep, but never waking up. You never notice the exact point at which you drop off to sleep, and after you have, you very rarely have any conscious idea that anything has changed. Therefore, the thought of death holds no fear for me, it's just something that happens. After all, I've been dead for 13 billion years before I was born, and it didn't bother me at all.
Quit, probably.
Originally Posted by BirdFlu View Post
It is the common view held in all scientific circles that death would not be disimilar from going to sleep, but never waking up. You never notice the exact point at which you drop off to sleep, and after you have, you very rarely have any conscious idea that anything has changed. Therefore, the thought of death holds no fear for me, it's just something that happens. After all, I've been dead for 13 billion years before I was born, and it didn't bother me at all.

I love that quote ;)
"I was dead for millions of years before I was born and it never inconvenienced me a bit." — Mark Twain.

Anyway, depends on the way you die, you assume you die peacefully. If you drown, you don't just fall asleep, you panic until you get knocked out by oxygen deprivation.

I also think that some sort of eternal life ( heaven or anything related) would be the worst thing ever. Imagine the extreme boredom. I mean, seriously, life is great, but it's good it has an end. Eternal (after)life seems a curse to me.

That being said, I do fear death, I don't want to just don't exist anymore. ( Scientific believe won't kill your instincts).
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash
This is another thread that will end up a religious debate.
What happens after death is neither relevant nor provable, hence there is neither purpose nor benefit in this discussion.

When you die, your thoughts, which are actually physical structures within your brain, can no longer function. (This has been proven through the plethora of experiments in which a subject is said to have 0 brain activity, or to be dead, and then is 'revived'. Plus you know, the who neuroscience thing. God, have I just turned this in to another 'just a theory' threads? I hope not.) Like any part of your body, your brain is subject to the same fate. Burial, cremation, donation to science, whatever else.

Your first thread was something actually worth discussion, but Hyde herped all over that; "how could pain be good herp derp derp".
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