Happy birthday :3

User warned: useless post.
Last edited by Fee; Feb 24, 2011 at 02:13 AM.
"Ikorose, Shinso!" Member of: [Bleu] Bleu, [Aka] Akatsuki.| Leader of [TLOD] The Lightning of Decapitation| Art: Gimp(Texture), Photography
Originally Posted by deprav View Post
I had a screen of my last work to show all my stuffs. and finally I won't make spinning heads, I prefer those screenshots =) So you can see the details better that if it keeps spinning !

And can anyone help me for my title issue ?

Sorry for not seeing this a few days ago, do you still want it changed? if so PM me what you want it changed to and i'll do it.
Back for good.
can i have the anbu head

hyde Moderated Message:
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Last edited by Hyde; Feb 24, 2011 at 04:02 AM.
their naruto heads


hyde Moderated Message:
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Last edited by Hyde; Feb 24, 2011 at 05:44 PM.
@Konduz, I sent you a PM and the link for your head texture in it !

@Fee, I'll take the warning as a birthday gift ;o)

First post updated :
-the anbu head has been sold
-the ninja robot is now on the market ! let the bids start =)
I'll buy the ninja-robot head for 1k if you can recolor the blue to dark green, and change the music symbol to a simple black flame (I can do the flame if you want, just leave the forehead plate blank).