Originally Posted by RevengR View Post
i think its illegal to share moves.

It's not illegal.
It just doesn't make you learn anything if you don't even think what you are doing in the move.
And most of the people don't like it.
i heard somewhere that it was... i think it was a rule of some sort. or maybe that just was in the tutorial section
Swedish Viking
I think either Odlov or IceShadow said it best when talking about wushu openers. You need to remember: Its just the start of a game. Can you have a planned first turn to set up a punch or a kick? Of course! But from there on you need to adapt. Beginners use a common opener they didn't make and treat the joint movement as if it were law.

You should try and make your own starters, keeping in mind they aren't what wins games. That's one way to learn the mechanics of the body and how they work together. And during the second turn: Edit your move! It's okay! The point of wushu is to adapt and subtly counter attack, not aimlessly kicking hoping your sweep is faster than there sweep. Most kicks can be changed to more accurately hit the target by simply changing the glutes, hips, and abs. So what if it makes the kick slower? I can make punches and kicks of incredibly high speeds, but if they don't hit the enemy well: they are useless.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by Hxcbbqimo
I think either Odlov or IceShadow said it best when talking about wushu openers.

I think KamiKo or TIcux.
The best tip i can give is: don't become dependent on your "opener" to win games or even reach the target a lot of the time. Hell, forget the word opener. Think of it instead as "the first step of my tactic". Don't over-dedicate to an attack. Respond instead.

There are so many people who stop tinkering once they make/copy a flashy kick which wins them a decent amount of games against average players. I personally was stuck at that stage for a good 10,000 games. My openers were powerful and pretty, but they made me over-dedicate to an attack i envisioned and sacrifice a lot of adaptation potential. In other words - they were pretty reckless.

My wushu guide may be of help:

Originally Posted by NorF View Post
I think KamiKo or TIcux.

Last edited by Odlov; Feb 1, 2010 at 11:21 PM.
a good move dont make a good player. but a good player can make a good move.

True, true...
Well, of course practice makes perfect... But, as Odlov said, in wushu, a good opening move won't always make you win. Here, sometimes best offence is defence. Just wait for your opponent to attack and then counter his move. It's not easy but if you train, you will understand how it works ;)

And well, I'd like to say...
I suck at wushu :P

PM me if you're looking for someone to train with ^^
thank you guys! thanks to you i can now improve my ability in wushu!
im still going to test what you said but im sure that will work.
Any time you want to PM me for help during a weekend, let me know.

In short: Treat the first turn like the 4th turn. Nothing more nothing less. The BEST way and yet HARDEST way to learn is to play without openers all together. Just be in the moment and work things together. At first, you will flail and fail. But eventually, you will be flying high on the wings of success.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Bah, Most important thing is to make a move to win...Moves that dont win just add to knowledge...but they DONT make you win then its mostly useless in many situations

If it does not work...then go to free play and Try simulation for the particular game you want to be good at...and create a move powerful enough to decap, then try it out.

Keep in mind, the basics.

Which are...

1. Make a move based on countering common movement of opponents that they commonly use to win...
2. It must be easily done in first frames
3. It must not take alot of frames.
4. It must be Practiced various times before use
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