The opener wasn't good to start out with, but I'm sure you weren't giving it a serious try... the problem is the pausing in between the flips, it stops your momentum which fucks up the rest of the everything. I suggest looking at videos that show how to backflip just to see how to move the arms, cuz that also seems to be a bit of a problem.

last but not least, if you're having difficulty pulling off 360 backflip twist whatever, look at oblivion's "Mistakes I have Forgotten" it helped me quite a lot. I'm not trying to bash you in any way, sorry if it seems like it, I'm just trying to give some tips.
I came here to laugh at you
Yea the opener wasn't good to begin with. Next time when you start flipping, try extending ankles and contract abs.
Also in the flipping you should have more flow as you flip.
And try practicing flipping higher.
Replay thread

Just made...

Hmm, thanks for the feedback.
This is my first time attempting to do flips and yeah, I didn't put too much effort into it.
Only put around 12 minutes into it, which isn't really acceptable.
I'll try creating a better opener and practicing flipping higher, I'll also look up some flipping videos while doing so.
Alright, so I've put a few minutes into making a better looking flip and this is what I've come up with so far.
I used this video as a reference, or pretty much copied it to make the flip.
Attached Files
Flip1.rpl (90.1 KB, 19 views)
Last edited by Aracoon; Apr 19, 2013 at 09:21 AM.
Getting back into replay making.
These two aren't finished, but I've been working on them recently. Any suggestions on what I should do with their poses?
Attached Files
Riteaid.rpl (245.4 KB, 15 views)
Loma.rpl (118.0 KB, 13 views)
riteaid : contracting wrists is so 2006 nerd
get a life also that foot throw could've gotten more dms lazy

loma : opener is so overused stoppp
kick looks awkward and not very powerful
if landed properly you could've gotten an easy boomx10
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again