Pretty cheap, Iil take one, whit bg motion blur black tori.

Il pay like 1k for it, thankyou.

Pleas from an angle like

TORI on left UKE on right

from like a 25 degree angle rom tori being in front and uke in back.

Just make it look good, and il pay 1k for it.

My name on it as well, with this font please:

thankyou, once again.

If it looks REALLY cool I might pay more.
Attached Files
headkickoff1.rpl (58.5 KB, 15 views)
Please make a white on black avi from this replay,

Thanks, ill pay extra if you can get it done soon ^^
Attached Files
Sepulcher_AwesomeDecap.rpl (53.2 KB, 18 views)
Aff you hack

i want this with name and motion blur plz!

that is 130 creds i believe?
Attached Files
landedsupermegaawesomekick.rpl (41.7 KB, 14 views)
<insert (something) here>

All orders have now been sent out. Any more?
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
Thank you for the avatar, I have sent 1500 tc, Its Perfect, I'm almost surprised you botherd to do the angle request. Most people I know woulden't have botherd.

Still, thanks, best of luck, I hope you get more orders.
Nice idea.
*makes my own*

Thanks for the idea, but I'm gonna make my own.

I'll letcha know if it works out.
          Enjoy your head while it's still attached.
Black toris with white background and shadows
no motion blur and no name
i want the camera kinda higher up but not a whole lot
i will pay 500 creds
Attached Files
snide Spinney Kick.rpl (38.8 KB, 8 views)
can u make it like that last one black on white with a black floor

but can u make the white part red?
Activism is a duty, not a choice. Only through activism can we really make this a country for the people, and by the people. Cast aside your apathy. Don't stay behind closed doors.
Yes, I can, if you provide a replay.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."