Wow, thanks for all the good feedback guys!
Orfeas; What could i do to boost it to a 10?
Vex; How stupid of me.. New ground texture it is!
"Anything running perfectly is running like clockwork."
O.o I'm impress every detail is amazing no matter how simple the idea, the cog/gear is a brilliant touch. 10/10
"We are the music-makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams."
Arthur William Edgar O'Shaughnessy
Originally Posted by Monobi View Post
Using a tori rig for GMAX, vox grabbed me the right positions (because gmax wouldn't install on my machine.. T-T) and i vectored over it, played with opacity and had to modify the feet and hands some.

After that, add some sketchy details, my signature gear... et voila!

You don't need to vector anything if you have PhotoShop. Just use "stroke paths". That might be what you meant to say, if not you could have saved a hell of a lot of time.
I like it.