Well, i'm 14, live in Oklahoma. i'm rank 998 at the moment and also 2nd dan black belt. Real name is Alec Pierce. I want to help the clan by playing in clan wars, donating to the bank and all around just winning to make pride one of the greatest clans there are! (which i believe we could be.) I'm fairly active on the forums and have been in 4 different clans (energy, pyro, ink, onyx) I ended up quitting these clans do to in-activeness in many of the members and the inexperience of them as well. I hope that's all you need and just give me a reply if there is anything I miss, hope to join you all!
yes from me alec is a good player and very active.
edit: bronyfan bought 10k+ qi i just checked.
Last edited by MasterGabe; Aug 14, 2013 at 11:14 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Hi my name in rl is Isaiah Ross-Walker. I am 10 years old I have been rejected from a clan because of my age before and I would like a clan that exepts me for my skills and personality instead of my age. Also mastergabe invited me but said I must post an app when the fourm was up. I think this clan is nice and will rise up to be one of the best. I'm very loyal and will stay unless there's alot or drama and the clan falls apart. Lastly I used to be very inactive on the fourms but ive changed. Thanks for reading.
u will be a trail member cuz were looknig for forum activity people too. its a yes from me lets see wha tihopz says.
edit: just read over bronyfans app and i dont know hes a master belt he could bring skill but i think his app was weak.
Last edited by MasterGabe; Aug 14, 2013 at 11:38 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Hello my name is felippe and i'm 12 years old, i live in brazil, i like wushu, mushu, abd, aikido, rk-mma and lenshu3.
I want to join in the clan because i like the members and looks like pros and i like the clan name also, well now let's talk about me.
well, i like to play fotball and toribash
Hi, im TheProduct ^.^ Can i join?
Belt: Orange
Where I live: Stalkers i not tell you
Mastergabe is awesome ^.^
Activity ingame: 8-9
Activity on forums: right now i am active i just don't post to much, ill start posting more for gabe ^.^ 8

On a real note this clan looks very decent and organized, i would like to join and help the clan out a bit, i can offer dedication and my ingame skills

Mastergabe <3
Last edited by TheProduct; Aug 15, 2013 at 12:40 AM.
theproduct is besh, hes pro, active ingame, but i don't know about forums but lets see how he does? added him to trial and also ihopz can u make a trial rank?
My name is Mohamed Im 15 My timezone is GMT 0, I live in morocco and I'm a 3nd dan past clans are [Onyx] and [e] and others.I have no bans and no infac.Im really active in-game and also at the forums .My favourite mods are ABD and wushu.I respect evrey one .I don't fight online and im always nice to begginers and to all.I want to join [Pride] because it has amazing players and im sure in going to be one of the best clans soon.Sorry because of the bad english.
Thanks for reading my application =D