Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Gynx View Post
So, what game do you consider scary?

Very few, because the games industry tends not to understand the concept.
The original RE's were okay, and the beginning of Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy, before it got retarded.
There are a couple others, but they are few and far between.

<Ownzilas> Alright
<Ownzilas> 3'2 then
<Ownzilas> Half PID's dick.


Awesome game, i bought it for 10€ in a game shop :/

There should be another Part "Fahrenheit 2" (Sounds silly but it would be awesome)

With grafics that are up to date and a even more awesome story, i just loved to play that game, shame that its not even buyable anymore in the big game shops, only in insider shops
Agh, I just bought this game.

I MUST stomp every fucking thing into absolute oblivion, cos it:

a) makes me feel better

b) lets me watch the awesome physics

c) lets me make damn sure the thing is FUCKING DEAD.

Yes, I made it. It is my train of thought when I stomp shit into non existence.

Also, the game is fucking atmospheric. (Scary)
I'd like to see Hulk get so pissed that he exits his physical body.
Instead of being powered by psychic energy or whatever, he's powered by ARRRGH FUCK YOU
Originally Posted by PlayerID666 View Post
Depends on your opinion of "scary."
Some people just want gore/violence/oohscarymonster.
Personally, I prefer a greater psychological construct, so this one seemed a bit tame.

Yeh same for me. Felt so cheesy when it does dramatic music every time something pops up, stuff like being attacked from behind with no warning sign, including music would be scarier IMO, though frustrating.

I also kept being low on ammo which was mostly an annoyance, picking up ammo constantly in mid-battle felt a bit silly. I'd rather have harder enemies and more ammo etc.
I beat the game in about 2 weeks. The creepiest things in the game r the "survivors" that u see kill/killing themselves.(Woman slitting her neck with saw while crying/laughing hystarically over a dead body, guy hitting his head off of wall to death, woman shooting herself in the head,etc) The mutants/alien things aren't that creepy, but the way they come outa nowhere, act dead then attack u, and how they kill u is just freaky. Also that Hivemind(final boss) battle is epic. If any of u r wondering, the thing that comes out and screams/attacks u at the end is Issac's girlfriend. But I agree.... I always do this even though I waste 2 1/2 clips on 1 of those things
This public announcement was brought to you by your friends at Degeneration X, who want to remind you that if you aren't down with that, we've got two words for ya! Suck it!
Has anyone here ever played Doom 3? I just got it a couple of days ago and it's not that scary but the enemies are insane.
Death by Stereo.
YouTubed me. MySpit.
A: According to this Wikipedia post on Dead Space, it isn't known whether or not it was his girlfriend.
Clarke takes the shuttle with the Marker to the mining colony on the surface of Aegis VII, and replaces it there. This pacifies the hive mind, but also disrupts gravity tethers holding a large continent-sized portion of the planet several miles off the surface, causing it to start to fall back onto the planet and destroy the colony. As Clarke attempts escape, Daniels appears and takes the Marker back to the shuttle; she points out to Clarke that Nicole actually committed suicide before they arrived on the Ishimura, and Clarke's visions of her were the Marker's way of attempting to bring it back to the planet. Before she can leave, Daniels is killed by the hive mind, but Clarke is able to defeat it. Leaving the Marker behind, Clarke flies off in the shuttle before the colony is destroyed. As he sets course away from Aegis VII, Clarke thinks about Nicole and is seemingly attacked by Nicole transformed into a Necromorph.
B: They weren't really scary or anything, but they got me a couple of times.
C: I hated those little things that came in hordes, and you had to shake them off by hitting the A button over and over again. I just used the flamethrower or ripper before they jumped me.
D: However, Tombeam, I agree. The last battle IS epic.
Question to all. What was your favorite weapon?
Last edited by Videoboy88; Mar 12, 2009 at 01:58 AM.
Only Emos /wrists